Pokégen Trivia

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Pokégen Trivia can be attempted up to 4 times a day to obtain berries. 3 questions are shown and in order to win, all 3 need to be answered correctly. The first attempt each day is free, additional attempts costing $250,000 or 2.5% of the owned money, whichever value is lower.

Questions + Answers

If you need to revive your fainted Pokemon to full health, where do you go? Mount Fuji Pokémon Center Pokémon Mansion Canada Pokémon Center
What type of attacks are Nuclear Pokemon resistant to? Steel Nuclear Dragon Normal Nuclear
Which of these Legendary Pokemon is known to randomly appear throughout Johto? Registeel Celebi Keldeo Suicune Suicune
In Pokegen RPG, how much recoil does a Pokemon take if Hi-Jump Kick misses? 12.50% 20% 33% 50% 20%
What was Erika's most powerful Pokemon (Gen I games)? Vileplume Bellossom Victreebell Jumpluff Vileplume
How old is Ash? 9 10 11 12 10
What stat does Burn also decrease? Defense Sp. Defense Attack Sp. Attack Attack
Which of the following is not an evolutionary stone? Fire Stone Dragon Stone Water Stone Thunder Stone Dragon Stone
What's the name of Generation IV's region? Unova Kalos Hoenn Sinnoh Sinnoh
What is the Defense Stat of Armored Mewtwo in Pokegen? 130 140 136 154 130
Which of the following types can Eevee's evolutions NOT be? Nuclear Dark Poison Fairy Poison
What's the name of Sabrina's badge? Marsh Badge Soul Badge Night Badge Genesis Badge Marsh Badge
What Pokemon can be ressurected from a Helix Fossil? Kabuto Cranidos Omanyte Lileep Omanyte
What's the best held item to be used with Belly Drum? Choice Band Bluk Berry White Herb Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry
From which challenge was it possible to win/obtain a Golden Scyther? Monster Park Trainers Peak Generations Park Midas Lab Generations Park
Including Nucleon, how many Eeveelutions are there? 5 6 7 9 9
Which of these Pokemon can speak using human words in the Pokemon anime? Pikachu Ekans Wynaut Meowth Meowth
In which generation were mega evolutions introduced? 3 5 6 7 6
At what level can Lugia be goldenised? 6000 9000 12000 15000 15000
What is the lowest percentage the trap box chance can fall to? 5% 10% 1% 15% 5%
Which of these Pokemon does not feature on the trainer ranks page? Lugia Magikarp Absol Pinsir Pinsir
Which of these Pokemon can’t evolve using a Thunder Stone? Eevee Charjabug Joltik Eelektrik Joltik
What is the combined total for all of Celebi’s stats in Pokegen? 575 600 300 606 600
Who is the main protagonist in the Pokemon anime? Misty Ash Gary Giovanni Ash
How much trainer reputation do you need for the Expert rank? 1,000 50,000 500,000 2,000,000 50,000
In what area can you find the EX Dyna raid battles? zZShadowZzland GinAland Shrimpyland Shrimpyisland Shrimpyland
How many Hunter Arrows must you collect to begin the Team Rocket quest? 5 8 10 15 10
Pikachu was chosen over which Pokemon to be the mascot? Charizard Jigglypuff Clefairy Eevee Clefairy
What Pokemon do you battle at the monster park challenge? Gigantrum Mega Charizard Aerodactyl Pikachu Gigantrum
What is the highest possible average Pokemon level for Dojo Grade 2? 5 12 25 100 12
How much trainer reputation do you need for the Lord of Pokemon rank? 50,000 500,000 1,500,000 4,500,000 1,500,000
How many unique Pokemon do you have to catch for the Collector badge? 500 525 555 595 555
Pokemon sold for less than $7,500 will remain on the Sell Page for how long? 1 Hour 2 Hours 3 Hours 4 Hours 1 Hour
What is the highest possible average Pokemon level for Dojo Grade Master? 1,000 2,500 3,250 4,750 3,250
What Pokemon is gifted to Brock from a famous Pokemon breeder? Geodude Psyduck Torkoal Vulpix Vulpix
Which of these pokemon does not appear in the image on the pokemon trivia page? Abra Jigglypuff Zubat Mudkip Mudkip
What is the level requirement to Fuse Flaaffy and Bouffalant? 650 900 975 1300 975
What Pokemon is frequently seen with Ash's Mom? Jigglypuff Mew Mr. Mime Ninetails Mr. Mime
Pokemon can be goldenized/purified at the _____ Lab. Medas Mecca Midas Golden Midas
Ancient Lord Zandios represents which Team? Team Rocket Team Magma Team Aqua Team Plasma Team Aqua
How much trainer reputation do you need for the Ace Trainer rank? 7,500 15,000 30,000 55,000 7,500
Gym Leader Roxanne reigns in which Region? Kanto Johto Hoenn Sinnoh Hoenn
Discord achievement Grunt is recieved at how many messages? 10 20 30 40 30
How much does a Pokeball cost on Pokegen? $50 $80 $100 $300 $80
Which of these is a member of Team Rocket? Jack Josh James Gin.A James
How often do the trap box and promo change? Daily Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Fortnightly
How many Pokemon do you need to add to your Pokedex to gain +1 base energy on your Pokemon? 15 30 45 75 75
Which of these cannot be obtained from the Rainbow mart? Z-Move items Dragon Heart Wyvern Maw Easter Trophy Wyvern Maw
How many Easter Trophies can you stack the effects of? 5 10 20 25 10
What chance of X genders do gold donation members get for trap box and promo? 5% 7.50% 10% 12% 10%
Which of these has not been a mod Pokemon? Golden Skiddo Golden NidoranM Midnight Charmander Midnight Squirtle Midnight Squirtle
Which of these is not a fusion evolution? Nucleon Necrozma (Dusk Mane) Kyurem (White) Crucibelle Nucleon
How many Maps are there in Pokegen, not including the secret reward Map? 10 12 15 16 16
How much must you pay to receive the promo Pokemon? $2,500 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $4,000
What is the account number for the Pokegen mod vault? 1 100 1000 1000000 100
How many nuggets do you need to make a Big Nugget? 100 50 10 30 30
During Platinum rank activity, how many trap box attempts can be made? 35 25 30 20 35
In Dyna raids, every 1000 points you score increases your odds of winning a Dyna Pokemon by? 1% 5% 10% 12% 10%
What is the base max box size? 500 750 1000 1250 750
What is the highest level you can use against the baby tower? 30 40 50 100 50
Ash stole (or borrowed) Misty's …? Bike Bag Staryu Heart Bike
Which of these Pokemon does not provide an ability in Pokegen? Orthworm Wailord Sharpedo Falinks Wailord
Team Rocket's ___ off again! Blasting Zooming Running Slacking Blasting
Where does Ash come from? Pallet Town Pewter City Cerulean City Mexico Pallet Town
Which item restores a little bit of health in a battle? Soul Dew Iron Claw Leftovers Quick Claw Leftovers
Shuckle and Seviper fuse into Crucibelle at what level? 100 450 650 1000 650
How much trainer reputation do you need for the Eternal Hero rank? 1,000,000 2,500,000 5,000,000 7,500,000 5,000,000
How long do the effects of Pearls last? 15 Minutes 20 Minutes 45 Minutes 1 Hour 20 Minutes
Misty is the Gym leader of which Gym? Cinnabar Island Cerulean City Saffron City Michigan City Cerulean City
What is the first Legendary Pokemon Ash encounters? Ho-Oh Celebi Rayquaza Arceus Ho-Oh
What is the first Pokemon Ash catches? Mewtwo Anorith Caterpie Arceus Caterpie
How much does Mythril Herb cost? $500 $700 $5,000 $200,000 $700
What Pokemon is resurrected from Old Amber? Pikachu Aerodactyl Caterpie Kabuto Aerodactyl
Which of the following Pokemon do not appear in EX Dyna battles Naganadel Guzzlord Behemount Melmetal Guzzlord
How many stars difficulty is Dyna Orbeetle? 1 2 3 4 3
Lance belongs to which organization? Elite Four Gym Leaders Team Rocket Team Plasma Elite Four
Which of the following are not names of Pokemon Professors? Oak Elm Sycamore Nixon Nixon
What item is required for Deoxys to change forms in Pokegen? Birth Stone Meteorite Dragon Heart Blackbelt Meteorite
How many stars difficulty in Dyna Rolycoly? 1 2 3 4 1
Which of the following trainers never held the staff rank of Chairman/Acting Chairman? Lakhani Abhi Gin Nixon Gin
Which of the following trainers have been designated as Assistant/Deputy Directors? Nixon Abhi Gin Matt Abhi
On which map would you find water Pokemon in Pokegen RPG? Elfius County Washingdon Beach Volt Station Mirage Pass Washingdon Beach
How is the Alolan Islands Challenge unlocked? Complete all gyms except Alola Attain Expert Rank Obtain $10 million in money Community activity of 1,500 poi Community activity of 1,500 poi
What's the name of the beast Pokemon found at Monster Park? Tyranitar Dragonite Tyrantrum Gigantrum Gigantrum
What's the weekly bank interest associated with Gold Activity (6,000 community points)? 1.60% 1.80% 2% 2.20% 1.60%
Razz Berry works twice as effective in boosting happiness for which gender? Male Female Genderless X Female
From which trainer do you win a Thunder Stone in the wild pokemon maps? Arthur Talia Higuchi Mingzhong Mingzhong
How many Sentret do you need to collect in order to do a shiny swap for a Shiny Sentret at Pokegen's exchange centre? 16 24 30 40 30
Which of the following staff titles are considered as "part-time" or "non-executive" staff? Deputy Moderator Assistant Director Administrator Chairman Assistant Director
In Hall of Fame (North), what is the belt rank that follows Blue Belt? Green Belt Senior-Blue Belt Black Belt Yellow Belt Senior-Blue Belt
Where in Pokegen can you obtain the legendary Pokemon Spectrier? Map Hunting Defeat Alolan Gyms Hall of Fame (North) PokeMerchant Hall of Fame (North)


Won berries can be fed to Pokémon to increase their Happiness, be merged into a Golden Lum Berry or be exchanged for Reputation.

Daily Trivia Prize Pool Odds (Newbie to Veteran) Odds (Expert to Master) Odds (Grandmaster to Archduke) Odds (PokeGod)
Razz, Pinap or Nanab Berry 100% 80% 72% 24%
Silver Razz, Pinap or Nanab Berry 0% 20% 22% 44%
Golden Razz, Pinap or Nanab Berry 0% 0% 6% 32%