Fortnightly Updates

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Date Trap Box Promo Turf Element
13 Oct 2019 Midnight Pineco Snow Oddish
21 Oct 2019 Midnight Sandile Snow Venonat
28 Oct 2019 Midnight Houndour Snow Phantump
10 Nov 2019 Midnight Eevee Snow Togedamaru
24 Nov 2019 Midnight Swablu Snow Voltorb
1 Dec 2019 Midnight Litten Snow Farfetchd
8 Dec 2019 Midnight Skarmory Snow Tauros
15 Dec 2019 Midnight Farfetchd Snow Snover
22 Dec 2019 Midnight Sandshrew Snow Sawk
29 Dec 2019 Midnight Shellos Snow Accelgor
1 Jan 2020 Midnight Corphish Snow Bruxish
18 Jan 2020 Midnight Abra Snow Eevee Fire
2nd February 2020 Midnight Swinub Snow Teddiursa Grass
16 Feb 2020 Midnight Ditto Snow Chatot Dark
1st March 2020 Midnight Gulpin Snow Nosepass Psychic
15 March 2020 Midnight Exeggcute Snow Mimikyu Fairy
29 March 2020 Midnight Illumise Snow Volbeat Bug
11 April 2020 Midnight Togepi (1 day special) SnowPsyduck Normal
13 April 2020 Midnight Happiny Snow Psyduck Normal
26th April 2020 Midnight Mudbray Snow Skwovet Water
4th May 2020 Midnight Mudbray Snow Skwovet(was temporarily changed to golden bagon) Water
11th May 2020 Midnight Miltank Snow Belossum electric
24th May 2020 Midnight Snubbul Snow Wooloo Fighting
8th June 2020 Midnight Pidgey Snow Yamper Psychic
21st June 2020 Midnight Psyduck Snow Dreepy Fire
5th July 2020 Midnight Psyduck Snow Sirfetchd Steel
19th July 2020 Midnight Morpeko Snow Yanma Flying
2nd August 2020 Midnight Timburr Snow Rockruff Rock
16th August 2020 Midnight Wooper Snow Croagunk Poison
30th August 2020 Midnight Sunkern Snow Rookidee Ground
12th September 2020 Midnight Toxel Snow Sinistea Electric
28th September 2020 Midnight Bellsprout Snow Squirtle Fairy
12th October 2020 Midnight Dhelmise Snow Masking Ghost
1st November 2020 Midnight Litleo Snow Hatenna Fighting
21st November 2020 Midnight Minccino Snow Silicobra Dark
6th December 2020 Midnight Impdimp Snow Feebas Psychic
28th December 2020 Midnight Paras Snow Indeedee Fairy
9th January 2021 Midnight Gossifleur Snow Cloyster Grass
25th January 2021 Midnight Bruxish Snow Barewl Fairy
9th February 2021 Midnight Bunnelby Snow Snom Water
23rd February 2021 Midnight Amaura Snow Emolga Steel
10th March 2021 Midnight Gible Snow Magikarp Dragon
24th March 2021 Midnight Torkoal Snow Clobbopus Fire
12th April 2021 Midnight Dewpider Snow Stunky Poison
1st May 2021 Midnight Clamperl Snow Oricorio Ghost
16th May 2021 Midnight Pidove Snow Bonsly Grass
31st May 2021 Midnight Cacnea Snow Arrokuda Nuclear
26th June 2021 Midnight Gligar Snow Magnezone Fire
14th July 2021 Midnight Comfey Snow Shelmet Psychic
28th July 2021 Midnight Chewtle Snow Corsola Water
11th August 2021 Midnight Tailow Snow Stantler Flying
25th August 2021 Midnight Caterpie Snow Stonjourner Normal
8th September 2021 Midnight Rhyhorn Shiny Hippopotas Nuclear
22nd September 2021 Midnight Hatenna Shiny Blipbug Poison
6th October 2021 Midnight Tangela Snow Wooper Flying
1st November 2021 Midnight Glameow Shiny Glameow Ghost
15th November 2021 Midnight Girafarig Snow Clamperl Poison
2nd December 2021 Midnight Solrock Shiny Lunatone Ground
2nd January 2022 Midnight Igglybuff Shiny Pichu Fighting
19th March 2022 Midnight Sneasel Shiny Yanma Psychic
4th April 2022 Midnight Grubbin Shiny Wimpod Grass
18th April 2022 Midnight Azurill Snow Gastly Fairy
30th April 2022 Midnight Wurmple Snow Shroomish Nuclear
17th May 2022 Midnight Swirlix Shiny Seviper Dragon (contest choice)
25th June 2022 Midnight Druddigon Snow Helioptile Ground
10th July 2022 Midnight Sandygast Shiny Stufful Ghost
18th September 2022 Midnight Hoothoot Shiny Hoothoot Dark
9th October 2022 Midnight Pichu Shiny Gastly Ghost
21st November 2022 Midnight Sableye Shiny Sableye Steel
19th January 2023 Midnight Kakuna Shiny Sandslash Rock
13th May 2023 Midnight Goldeen Snow Wooper Fighting

After Swarm update

Date Trap Box Promo Aqua Swarm Magma Swarm Turf Element
27th May 2023 Midnight Croagunk Shiny Ralts Buneary Croagunk Normal
10th June 2023 Midnight Mienfoo Snow Rockruff Shuppet Riolu Fighting (contst prize choice)
26th June 2023 Midnight Bidoof Snow Cufant Buizel Inkay Psychic
9th July 2023 Midnight Vanillite Shiny NidoranF Seedot Swablu Fairy
30th July 2023 Midnight Cherubi Snow NidoranF Relicanth Darumaka Bug
14th August 2023 Midnight Ponytha Snow Hitmontop Corphish Pincurchin Fire
28th August 2023 Midnight Barboach Snow Orbeetle Cramorant Sizzlipede Flying
11th September 2023 Midnight Makuhita Shiny Pawmot Pidgey Starly Normal
25th September 2023 Midnight Purrloin Snow Honedge Rookidee Sinistea Poison
9th October 2023 Midnight Phantump Snow Maschiff Scraggy Poochyena Ghost
27th October 2023 Midnight Heatmor Snow Thievul Qwilfish Pumpkaboo Dark
13th November 2023 Midnight Wooloo Snow Slugma Blitzle Aron Rock
28th November 2023 Midnight Audino Snow Spheal Arrokuda Clobbopus Water
13th December 2023 Midnight Skiddo Snow Tadbulb Stantler Tyrogue Electric
25th December 2023 Midnight Snorunt Snow Vulpix Gastly Slakoth Dragon
8th January 2023 Midnight Woobat Snow Illumise Drowzee Skitty Ground
22nd January 2024 Midnight Porygon Shiny Salandit Yungoos Solosis Steel
4th February 2024 Midnight Spritzee Snow Milcery Patrat Drampa Fairy
18th February 2024 Midnight Trapinch Snow Applin Horsea Skrelp Dragon
4th March 2024 Midnight Galvantula Shiny Tarountula Wurmple Nincada Bug
17th March 2024 Midnight Nidoqueen Snow Bramblin Drilbur Dhelmise Grass
31th March 2024 Midnight Lapras Snow Bounsweet Scorbunny (as part of bunnyhunt event) Scorbunny (as part of bunnyhunt event) Fire
14th April 2024 Midnight Beheeyem Shiny Shiinotic Aromatisse Slurpuff Normal
29th April 2024 Midnight Skwovet Snow Squawkabily Wooloo Milcery Fighting
12th May 2024 Midnight Shiftry Shiny Farigiraf Abra Shroomish Dark
26th May 2024 Midnight Arrokuda Shiny Ekans Slowpoke Meowth Poison
09th June 2024 Midnight Chandelure Snow Pansear Growlithe Vulpix Fire