Difference between revisions of "Template:Converter/NameType2"

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<includeonly>{{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}} | bulbasaur= Poison | ivysaur= Poison | venusaur= Poison | charizard= Flying | butterfree= Flying | weedle= Poison | kakuna= Poison | beedrill= Poison | pidgey= Flying | pidgeotto= Flying | pidgeot= Flying | spearow= Flying | fearow= Flying | nidoqueen= Ground | nidoking= Ground | jigglypuff= Fairy | wigglytuff= Fairy | zubat= Flying | golbat= Flying | oddish= Poison | gloom= Poison | vileplume= Poison | paras= Grass | parasect= Grass | venonat= Poison | venomoth= Poison | poliwrath= Fighting | bellsprout= Poison | weepinbell= Poison | victreebel= Poison | tentacool= Poison | tentacruel= Poison | geodude= Ground | graveler= Ground | golem= Ground | slowpoke= Psychic | slowbro= Psychic | magnemite= Steel | magneton= Steel | farfetchd= Flying | doduo= Flying | dodrio= Flying | dewgong= Ice | cloyster= Ice | gastly= Poison | haunter= Poison | gengar= Poison | onix= Ground | exeggcute= Psychic | exeggutor= Psychic | rhyhorn= Rock | rhydon= Rock | starmie= Psychic | mr mime= Fairy | scyther= Flying | jynx= Psychic | gyarados= Flying | lapras= Ice | omanyte= Water | omastar= Water | kabuto= Water | kabutops= Water | aerodactyl= Flying | articuno= Flying | zapdos= Flying | moltres= Flying | dragonite= Flying | hoothoot= Flying | noctowl= Flying | ledyba= Flying | ledian= Flying | spinarak= Poison | ariados= Poison | crobat= Flying | chinchou= Electric | lanturn= Electric | igglybuff= Normal | togetic= Fairy | natu= Flying | xatu= Flying | marill= Fairy | azumarill= Fairy | hoppip= Flying | skiploom= Flying | jumpluff= Flying | yanma= Flying | wooper= Ground | quagsire= Ground | murkrow= Flying | slowking= Psychic | girafarig= Psychic | forretress= Steel | gligar= Flying | steelix= Ground | qwilfish= Poison | scizor= Steel | shuckle= Rock | heracross= Fighting | sneasel= Ice | magcargo= Rock | swinub= Ground | piloswine= Ground | corsola= Rock | delibird= Flying | mantine= Flying | skarmory= Flying | houndour= Fire | houndoom= Fire | kingdra= Dragon | smoochum= Psychic | larvitar= Ground | pupitar= Ground | tyranitar= Dark | lugia= Flying | ho-oh= Flying | celebi= Grass | combusken= Fighting | blaziken= Fighting | marshtomp= Ground | swampert= Ground | beautifly= Flying | dustox= Poison | lotad= Grass | lombre= Grass | ludicolo= Grass | nuzleaf= Dark | shiftry= Dark | taillow= Flying | swellow= Flying | wingull= Flying | pelipper= Flying | ralts= Fairy | kirlia= Fairy | gardevoir= Fairy | surskit= Water | masquerain= Flying | breloom= Fighting | nincada= Ground | ninjask= Flying | shedinja= Ghost | azurill= Fairy | sableye= Ghost | mawile= Fairy | aron= Rock | lairon= Rock | aggron= Rock | meditite= Psychic | medicham= Psychic | roselia= Poison | carvanha= Dark | sharpedo= Dark | numel= Ground | camerupt= Ground | vibrava= Dragon | flygon= Dragon | cacturne= Dark | swablu= Flying | altaria= Flying | lunatone= Psychic | solrock= Psychic | barboach= Ground | whiscash= Ground | crawdaunt= Dark | baltoy= Psychic | claydol= Psychic | lileep= Grass | cradily= Grass | anorith= Bug | armaldo= Bug | tropius= Flying | spheal= Water | sealeo= Water | walrein= Water | relicanth= Rock | salamence= Flying | beldum= Psychic | metang= Psychic | metagross= Psychic | latias= Psychic | latios= Psychic | rayquaza= Flying | jirachi= Psychic | torterra= Ground | monferno= Fighting | infernape= Fighting | empoleon= Steel | starly= Flying | staravia= Flying | staraptor= Flying | bibarel= Water | budew= Poison | roserade= Poison | shieldon= Steel | bastiodon= Steel | wormadam= Grass | mothim= Flying | combee= Flying | vespiquen= Flying | gastrodon= Ground | drifloon= Flying | drifblim= Flying | honchkrow= Flying | stunky= Dark | skuntank= Dark | bronzor= Psychic | bronzong= Psychic | mime jr.= Fairy | chatot= Flying | spiritomb= Dark | gible= Ground | gabite= Ground | garchomp= Ground | lucario= Steel | skorupi= Bug | drapion= Dark | croagunk= Fighting | toxicroak= Fighting | mantyke= Flying | snover= Ice | abomasnow= Ice | weavile= Ice | magnezone= Steel | rhyperior= Rock | togekiss= Flying | yanmega= Flying | gliscor= Flying | mamoswine= Ground | gallade= Fighting | probopass= Steel | froslass= Ghost | rotom= Ghost | dialga= Dragon | palkia= Dragon | heatran= Steel | giratina= Dragon | victini= Fire | pignite= Fighting | emboar= Fighting | pidove= Flying | tranquill= Flying | unfezant= Flying | woobat= Flying | swoobat= Flying | excadrill= Steel | palpitoad= Ground | seismitoad= Ground | sewaddle= Grass | swadloon= Grass | leavanny= Grass | venipede= Poison | whirlipede= Poison | scolipede= Poison | cottonee= Fairy | whimsicott= Fairy | sandile= Dark | krokorok= Dark | krookodile= Dark | dwebble= Rock | crustle= Rock | scraggy= Fighting | scrafty= Fighting | sigilyph= Fighting | tirtouga= Rock | carracosta= Rock | archen= Flying | archeops= Flying | ducklett= Flying | swanna= Flying | deerling= Grass | sawsbuck= Grass | emolga= Flying | escavalier= Steel | foongus= Poison | amoonguss= Poison | frillish= Ghost | jellicent= Ghost | joltik= Electric | galvantula= Electric | ferroseed= Steel | ferrothorn= Steel | litwick= Fire | lampent= Fire | chandelure= Fire | stunfisk= Ground | golett= Ghost | golurk= Ghost | pawniard= Steel | bisharp= Steel | rufflet= Flying | braviary= Flying | vullaby= Flying | mandibuzz= Flying | durant= Steel | deino= Dragon | zweilous= Dragon | hydreigon= Dragon | larvesta= Fire | volcarona= Fire | cobalion= Fighting | terrakion= Fighting | virizion= Fighting | thundurus= Flying | reshiram= Fire | zekrom= Electric | landorus= Flying | kyurem= Ice | keldeo= Fighting | meloetta= Psychic | genesect= Steel | hoopa= Ghost | mega charizard y= Flying | mega medicham= Fighting | hoopa (unbound) = Psychic | giratina (origin)= Dragon | mega gengar= Poison | delphox= Psychic | charizard (gmax)= Flying | mega rayquaza= Flying | mega ampharos= Normal | kyurem (white)= Ice | kyurem (black)= Ice | yveltal= Flying | mega blaziken= Fighting | mega garchomp= Dragon | mega gardevoir= Fairy | mega tyranitar= Dark | mega venusaur= Poison | greninja= Dark | mega scizor= Steel | mega charizard x= Dragon | mega heracross= Fighting | mega gyarados= Water | mega pidgeot= Normal | mega metagross= Psychic | fletchling= Flying | fletchinder= Flying | talonflame= Flying | vivillon= Flying | litleo= Normal | pyroar= Normal | pangoro= Dark | honedge= Ghost | doublade= Ghost | aegislash= Ghost | inkay= Psychic | malamar= Psychic | binacle= Water | barbaracle= Water | skrelp= Water | dragalge= Dragon | helioptile= Normal | heliolisk= Normal | tyrunt= Dragon | tyrantrum= Dragon | amaura= Ice | aurorus= Ice | hawlucha= Flying | dedenne= Fairy | carbink= Fairy | klefki= Fairy | phantump= Grass | trevenant= Grass | pumpkaboo= Grass | gourgeist= Grass | noibat= Dragon | noivern= Dragon | zygarde (fang)= Ground | zygarde (order)= Ground | zygarde (complete)= Dragon | volcanion= Fire | mega altaria= Fairy | mega mawile= Steel | diancie= Fairy | mega swampert= Water | mega sceptile= Grass | mega abomasnow= Ice | mega salamence= Flying | mega steelix= Ground | mega aerodactyl= Flying | mega beedrill= Poison | mega camerupt= Ground | mega houndoom= Fire | mega gallade= Psychic | mega sharpedo= Water | mega pinsir= Flying | mega slowbro= Water | mega lucario= Steel | mega lopunny= Normal | primal-groudon= Fire | greninja (ash)= Dark | mega mewtwo x= Fighting | shaymin (sky)= Flying | rowlet= Flying | dartrix= Ghost | decidueye= Ghost | incineroar= Dark | primarina= Fairy | pikipek= Flying | trumbeak= Flying | toucannon= Flying | charjabug= Electric | vikavolt= Electric | crabominable= Ice | cutiefly= Fairy | ribombee= Fairy | mareanie= Water | toxapex= Water | dewpider= Bug | araquanid= Bug | morelull= Fairy | shiinotic= Fairy | salandit= Fire | salazzle= Fire | stufful= Fighting | bewear= Fighting | oranguru= Psychic | wimpod= Water | golisopod= Water | sandygast= Ground | palossand= Ground | minior= Flying | turtonator= Dragon | togedemaru= Steel | mimikyu= Fairy | bruxish= Psychic | drampa= Dragon | dhelmise= Grass | hakamo-o= Fighting | kommo-o= Fighting | tapukoko= Fairy | tapulele= Fairy | tapubulu= Fairy | tapufini= Fairy | solgaleo= Steel | lunala= Ghost | nihilego= Poison | buzzwole= Fighting | pheromosa= Fighting | celesteela= Flying | kartana= Steel | guzzlord= Dragon | magearna= Fairy | marshadow= Ghost | cawmodore= Steel | crucibelle= Poison | mega crucibelle= Poison | sandshrew (alolan)= Steel | sandslash (alolan)= Steel | geodude (alolan)= Electric | graveler (alolan)= Electric | golem (alolan)= Electric | exeggutor (alolan)= Dragon | diglett (alolan)= Steel | dugtrio (alolan)= Steel | rattata (alolan)= Normal | raticate (alolan)= Normal | raichu (alolan)= Psychic | poipole= Dragon | naganadel= Dragon | stakataka= Steel | blacephalon= Ghost | necrozma (dusk mane)= Psychic | necrozma (dawn wings)= Ghost | ultra necrozma= Psychic | rotom (wash)= Water | rotom (heat)= Electric | rotom (frost)= Electric | rotom (fan)= Electric | rotom (mow)= Electric | oricorio (pau)= Psychic | oricorio (pompom)= Electric | oricorio (sensu)= Ghost | mega audino= Fairy | mega latios= Psychic | mega latias= Psychic | orchynx= Steel | metalynx= Steel | mega metalynx= Steel | bariette= Nuclear | corsoreef= Rock | oblivicorn= Dark | frosthra= Ice | devimp= Dark | fallengel= Dark | beliaddon= Dark | selkid= Fairy | syrentide= Fairy | mega syrentide= Fairy | krakenero= Psychic | hydraelus= Dragon | leviawharl= Ice | behemount= Nuclear | actan= Dragon | dunseraph= Normal | tomohawk= Fighting | pajantom= Ghost | pyroak= Grass | caribolt= Electric | volchik= Flying | voltasu= Flying | yatagaryu= Flying | colossoil= Steel | simorgh= Flying | simurgh= Flying | landorus (therian)= Flying | thundurus (therian)= Flying | sirfetchd= Flying | corviknight= Steel | dottler= Psychic | orbeetle= Psychic | drednaw= Rock | rolycoly= Fire | carkol= Fire | coalossal= Fire | applin= Dragon | flapple= Dragon | appletun= Dragon | cramorant= Water | toxel= Electric | toxtricity= Poison | sizzlipede= Bug | centiskorch= Bug | hatterene= Fairy | impidimp= Fairy | morgrem= Fairy | grimmsnarl= Fairy | obstagoon= Normal | mr. rime= Psychic | zapdos (galarian)= Flying | snom= Bug | frosmoth= Bug | indeedee= Normal | grimer (alolan)= Dark | morpeko= Dark | dracozolt= Dragon | arctozolt= Ice | dracovish= Dragon | arctovish= Ice | duraludon= Dragon | dreepy= Ghost | drakloak= Ghost | dragapult= Ghost | eternatus= Dragon | aveden= Fairy | birbie= Fairy | gengar (gmax)= Poison | marowak (alolan)= Ghost | ninetales (alolan)= Fairy | archilles= Ground | muk (alolan)= Dark | eternatus (gmax)= Dragon | butterfree (gmax)= Flying | toxtricity (gmax)= Poison | orbeetle (gmax)= Psychic | coalossal (gmax)= Fire | centiskorch (gmax)= Bug | hatterene (gmax)= Fairy | duraludon (gmax)= Dragon | grimmsnarl (gmax)= Fairy | appletun (gmax)= Dragon | drednaw (gmax)= Rock | corviknight (gmax)= Steel | paradis= Fairy | barewl= Normal | dearewl= Normal | masking= Ghost | dramsama= Ghost | mega dramsama= Ghost | pahar= Nuclear | palij= Nuclear | pajay= Nuclear | geigeroach= Nuclear | onizuna= Fighting | titanberg= Ice | articuno (galarian)= Flying | keldeo (resolute)= Fighting | zigzagoon (galarian)= Normal | linoone (galarian)= Normal | ponyta (galarian)= Fairy | rapidash (galarian)= Fairy | weezing (galarian)= Fairy | mr mime (galarian)= Psychic | yamask (galarian)= Ghost | runerigus= Ghost | stunfisk (galarian)= Steel | urshifu= Water | urshifu (single strike)= Dark | moltres (galarian)= Flying | zarude= Grass | calyrex= Grass | calyrex (ice rider)= Ice | calyrex (shadow rider)= Ghost | abomasnow (christmas)= Grass | delcatty (christmas)= Ice | mega abomasnow (christmas)= Grass | snover (christmas)= Grass | bariette (eternal)= Nuclear | venusaur (gmax)= Poison | slowbro (galarian)= Psychic | slowking (galarian)= Psychic | minior (core)= Flying | growlithe (hisuian)= Rock | arcanine (hisuian)= Rock | qwilfish (hisuian)= Poison | overqwil= Poison | wyrdeer= Psychic | kleavor= Rock | ursaluna= Ground | basculegion= Ghost | sneasel (hisuian)= Poison | sneasler= Poison | voltorb (hisuian)= Electric | electrode (hisuian)= Electric | zorua (hisuian)= Ghost | zoroark (hisuian)= Ghost | braviary (hisuian)= Flying | enamorus= Flying | enamorus (therian)= Flying | dialga (origin)= Dragon | palkia (origin)= Dragon | lucario (val)= Fighting | mega lucario (val)= Steel | mega diancie= Fairy | mega sableye= Ghost | meowscarada= Dark | skeledirge= Ghost | quaquaval= Fighting | lokix= Dark | rabsca= Psychic | farigiraf= Psychic | veluza= Steel | smoliv= Normal | dolliv= Normal | arboliva= Normal | scovillain= Fire | varoom= Poison | revavroom= Poison | frigibax= Ice | arctibax= Ice | baxcalibur= Ice | cyclizar= Normal | pawmot= Fighting | wattrel= Flying | kilowattrel= Flying | bombirder= Dark | squawkabilly= Flying | flamigo= Fighting | glimmet= Poison | glimmora= Poison | shroodle= Normal | grafaiai= Normal | bramblin= Ghost | brambleghast= Ghost | ghoulden= Ghost | ting-lu= Ground | chien-pao= Ice | wo-chien= Grass | chi-yu= Fire | miraidon= Dragon | tinkatink= Steel | tinkatuff= Steel | tinkaton= Steel | armarogue= Psychic | ceruledge= Ghost | kingambit= Steel | wooper (paldean)= Ground | clodsire= Ground | annihilape= Ghost |}}</includeonly>
<includeonly>{{#switch: {{lc:{{padleft:|1|{{{1|}}}}}}}| a = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |aerodactyl= Flying |articuno= Flying |ariados= Poison |azumarill= Fairy |azurill= Fairy |aron= Rock |aggron= Rock |altaria= Flying |anorith= Bug |armaldo= Bug |abomasnow= Ice |archen= Flying |archeops= Flying |amoonguss= Poison |aegislash= Ghost |amaura= Ice |aurorus= Ice |araquanid= Bug |actan= Dragon |applin= Dragon |appletun= Dragon |arctozolt= Ice |arctovish= Ice |aveden= Fairy |archilles= Ground |appletun (gmax)= Dragon |articuno (galarian)= Flying |abomasnow (christmas)= Grass |arcanine (hisuian)= Rock |arboliva= Normal |arctibax= Ice |armarogue= Psychic |annihilape= Ghost | }}
| b = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |bulbasaur= Poison |butterfree= Flying |beedrill= Poison |bellsprout= Poison |blaziken= Fighting |beautifly= Flying |breloom= Fighting |barboach= Ground |baltoy= Psychic |beldum= Psychic |bibarel= Water |budew= Poison |bastiodon= Steel |bronzor= Psychic |bronzong= Psychic |bisharp= Steel |braviary= Flying |binacle= Water |barbaracle= Water |bewear= Fighting |bruxish= Psychic |buzzwole= Fighting |blacephalon= Ghost |bariette= Nuclear |beliaddon= Dark |behemount= Nuclear |birbie= Fairy |butterfree (gmax)= Flying |barewl= Normal |bariette (eternal)= Nuclear |basculegion= Ghost |braviary (hisuian)= Flying |baxcalibur= Ice |bombirder= Dark |bramblin= Ghost |brambleghast= Ghost | }}
| c = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |charizard= Flying |cloyster= Ice |crobat= Flying |chinchou= Electric |corsola= Rock |celebi= Grass |combusken= Fighting |carvanha= Dark |camerupt= Ground |cacturne= Dark |crawdaunt= Dark |claydol= Psychic |cradily= Grass |combee= Flying |chatot= Flying |croagunk= Fighting |cottonee= Fairy |crustle= Rock |carracosta= Rock |chandelure= Fire |cobalion= Fighting |charizard (gmax)= Flying |carbink= Fairy |charjabug= Electric |crabominable= Ice |cutiefly= Fairy |celesteela= Flying |cawmodore= Steel |crucibelle= Poison |corsoreef= Rock |caribolt= Electric |colossoil= Steel |corviknight= Steel |carkol= Fire |coalossal= Fire |cramorant= Water |centiskorch= Bug |coalossal (gmax)= Fire |centiskorch (gmax)= Bug |corviknight (gmax)= Steel |calyrex= Grass |calyrex (ice rider)= Ice |calyrex (shadow rider)= Ghost |cyclizar= Normal |chien-pao= Ice |chi-yu= Fire |ceruledge= Ghost |clodsire= Ground | }}
| d = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |doduo= Flying |dodrio= Flying |dewgong= Ice |dragonite= Flying |delibird= Flying |dustox= Poison |drifloon= Flying |drifblim= Flying |drapion= Dark |dialga= Dragon |dwebble= Rock |ducklett= Flying |deerling= Grass |durant= Steel |deino= Dragon |delphox= Psychic |doublade= Ghost |dragalge= Dragon |dedenne= Fairy |diancie= Fairy |dartrix= Ghost |decidueye= Ghost |dewpider= Bug |drampa= Dragon |dhelmise= Grass |diglett (alolan)= Steel |dugtrio (alolan)= Steel |devimp= Dark |dunseraph= Normal |dottler= Psychic |drednaw= Rock |dracozolt= Dragon |dracovish= Dragon |duraludon= Dragon |dreepy= Ghost |drakloak= Ghost |dragapult= Ghost |duraludon (gmax)= Dragon |drednaw (gmax)= Rock |dearewl= Normal |dramsama= Ghost |delcatty (christmas)= Ice |dialga (origin)= Dragon |dolliv= Normal | }}
| e = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |exeggcute= Psychic |exeggutor= Psychic |empoleon= Steel |emboar= Fighting |excadrill= Steel |emolga= Flying |escavalier= Steel |exeggutor (alolan)= Dragon |eternatus= Dragon |eternatus (gmax)= Dragon |electrode (hisuian)= Electric |enamorus= Flying |enamorus (therian)= Flying | }}
| f = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |fearow= Flying |farfetchd= Flying |forretress= Steel |flygon= Dragon |froslass= Ghost |foongus= Poison |frillish= Ghost |ferroseed= Steel |ferrothorn= Steel |fletchling= Flying |fletchinder= Flying |frosthra= Ice |fallengel= Dark |flapple= Dragon |frosmoth= Bug |farigiraf= Psychic |frigibax= Ice |flamigo= Fighting | }}
| g = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |golbat= Flying |gloom= Poison |geodude= Ground |graveler= Ground |golem= Ground |gastly= Poison |gengar= Poison |gyarados= Flying |girafarig= Psychic |gligar= Flying |gardevoir= Fairy |gastrodon= Ground |gible= Ground |gabite= Ground |garchomp= Ground |gliscor= Flying |gallade= Fighting |giratina= Dragon |galvantula= Electric |golett= Ghost |golurk= Ghost |genesect= Steel |giratina (origin)= Dragon |greninja= Dark |gourgeist= Grass |greninja (ash)= Dark |golisopod= Water |guzzlord= Dragon |geodude (alolan)= Electric |graveler (alolan)= Electric |golem (alolan)= Electric |grimmsnarl= Fairy |grimer (alolan)= Dark |gengar (gmax)= Poison |grimmsnarl (gmax)= Fairy |geigeroach= Nuclear |growlithe (hisuian)= Rock |glimmet= Poison |glimmora= Poison |grafaiai= Normal |ghoulden= Ghost | }}
| h = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |haunter= Poison |hoothoot= Flying |hoppip= Flying |heracross= Fighting |houndour= Fire |houndoom= Fire |ho-oh= Flying |honchkrow= Flying |heatran= Steel |hydreigon= Dragon |hoopa= Ghost |hoopa (unbound) = Psychic |honedge= Ghost |helioptile= Normal |heliolisk= Normal |hawlucha= Flying |hakamo-o= Fighting |hydraelus= Dragon |hatterene= Fairy |hatterene (gmax)= Fairy | }}
| i = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |ivysaur= Poison |igglybuff= Normal |infernape= Fighting |inkay= Psychic |incineroar= Dark |impidimp= Fairy |indeedee= Normal | }}
| j = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |jigglypuff= Fairy |jynx= Psychic |jumpluff= Flying |jirachi= Psychic |jellicent= Ghost |joltik= Electric | }}
| k = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |kakuna= Poison |kabuto= Water |kabutops= Water |kingdra= Dragon |kirlia= Fairy |krokorok= Dark |krookodile= Dark |kyurem= Ice |keldeo= Fighting |kyurem (white)= Ice |kyurem (black)= Ice |klefki= Fairy |kommo-o= Fighting |kartana= Steel |krakenero= Psychic |keldeo (resolute)= Fighting |kleavor= Rock |kilowattrel= Flying |kingambit= Steel | }}
| l = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |lapras= Ice |ledyba= Flying |ledian= Flying |lanturn= Electric |larvitar= Ground |lugia= Flying |lotad= Grass |lombre= Grass |ludicolo= Grass |lairon= Rock |lunatone= Psychic |lileep= Grass |latias= Psychic |latios= Psychic |lucario= Steel |leavanny= Grass |litwick= Fire |lampent= Fire |larvesta= Fire |landorus= Flying |litleo= Normal |lunala= Ghost |leviawharl= Ice |landorus (therian)= Flying |linoone (galarian)= Normal |lucario (val)= Fighting |lokix= Dark | }}
| m = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |magnemite= Steel |magneton= Steel |mr mime= Fairy |moltres= Flying |marill= Fairy |murkrow= Flying |magcargo= Rock |mantine= Flying |marshtomp= Ground |masquerain= Flying |mawile= Fairy |meditite= Psychic |medicham= Psychic |metang= Psychic |metagross= Psychic |monferno= Fighting |mothim= Flying |mantyke= Flying |magnezone= Steel |mamoswine= Ground |mandibuzz= Flying |meloetta= Psychic |mega charizard y= Flying |mega medicham= Fighting |mega gengar= Poison |mega rayquaza= Flying |mega ampharos= Normal |mega blaziken= Fighting |mega garchomp= Dragon |mega gardevoir= Fairy |mega tyranitar= Dark |mega venusaur= Poison |mega scizor= Steel |mega charizard x= Dragon |mega heracross= Fighting |mega gyarados= Water |mega pidgeot= Normal |mega metagross= Psychic |malamar= Psychic |mega altaria= Fairy |mega mawile= Steel |mega swampert= Water |mega sceptile= Grass |mega abomasnow= Ice |mega salamence= Flying |mega steelix= Ground |mega aerodactyl= Flying |mega beedrill= Poison |mega camerupt= Ground |mega houndoom= Fire |mega gallade= Psychic |mega sharpedo= Water |mega pinsir= Flying |mega slowbro= Water |mega lucario= Steel |mega lopunny= Normal |mega mewtwo x= Fighting |mareanie= Water |morelull= Fairy |minior= Flying |mimikyu= Fairy |magearna= Fairy |marshadow= Ghost |mega crucibelle= Poison |mega audino= Fairy |mega latios= Psychic |mega latias= Psychic |metalynx= Steel |mega metalynx= Steel |mega syrentide= Fairy |morgrem= Fairy |morpeko= Dark |marowak (alolan)= Ghost |muk (alolan)= Dark |masking= Ghost |mega dramsama= Ghost |mr mime (galarian)= Psychic |moltres (galarian)= Flying |mega abomasnow (christmas)= Grass |minior (core)= Flying |mega lucario (val)= Steel |mega diancie= Fairy |mega sableye= Ghost |meowscarada= Dark |miraidon= Dragon | }}
| n = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |nidoqueen= Ground |nidoking= Ground |noctowl= Flying |natu= Flying |nuzleaf= Dark |nincada= Ground |ninjask= Flying |numel= Ground |noibat= Dragon |noivern= Dragon |nihilego= Poison |naganadel= Dragon |necrozma (dusk mane)= Psychic |necrozma (dawn wings)= Ghost |ninetales (alolan)= Fairy | }}
| o = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |oddish= Poison |onix= Ground |omanyte= Water |omastar= Water |oranguru= Psychic |oricorio (pau)= Psychic |oricorio (pompom)= Electric |oricorio (sensu)= Ghost |orchynx= Steel |oblivicorn= Dark |orbeetle= Psychic |obstagoon= Normal |orbeetle (gmax)= Psychic |onizuna= Fighting |overqwil= Poison | }}
| p = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |pidgey= Flying |pidgeotto= Flying |pidgeot= Flying |paras= Grass |parasect= Grass |poliwrath= Fighting |piloswine= Ground |pupitar= Ground |pelipper= Flying |probopass= Steel |palkia= Dragon |pignite= Fighting |pidove= Flying |palpitoad= Ground |pawniard= Steel |pyroar= Normal |pangoro= Dark |phantump= Grass |pumpkaboo= Grass |primal-groudon= Fire |primarina= Fairy |pikipek= Flying |palossand= Ground |pheromosa= Fighting |poipole= Dragon |pajantom= Ghost |pyroak= Grass |paradis= Fairy |pahar= Nuclear |palij= Nuclear |pajay= Nuclear |ponyta (galarian)= Fairy |palkia (origin)= Dragon |pawmot= Fighting | }}
| q = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |quagsire= Ground |qwilfish= Poison |qwilfish (hisuian)= Poison |quaquaval= Fighting | }}
| r = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |rhyhorn= Rock |rhydon= Rock |ralts= Fairy |roselia= Poison |relicanth= Rock |rayquaza= Flying |roserade= Poison |rhyperior= Rock |rotom= Ghost |rufflet= Flying |reshiram= Fire |rowlet= Flying |ribombee= Fairy |rattata (alolan)= Normal |raticate (alolan)= Normal |raichu (alolan)= Psychic |rotom (wash)= Water |rotom (heat)= Electric |rotom (frost)= Electric |rotom (fan)= Electric |rotom (mow)= Electric |rolycoly= Fire |rapidash (galarian)= Fairy |runerigus= Ghost |rabsca= Psychic |revavroom= Poison | }}
| s = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |spearow= Flying |slowpoke= Psychic |slowbro= Psychic |starmie= Psychic |scyther= Flying |spinarak= Poison |skiploom= Flying |slowking= Psychic |steelix= Ground |scizor= Steel |shuckle= Rock |sneasel= Ice |swinub= Ground |skarmory= Flying |smoochum= Psychic |shadow lugia= Flying|swampert= Ground |shiftry= Dark |swellow= Flying |surskit= Water |shedinja= Ghost |sableye= Ghost |sharpedo= Dark |swablu= Flying |solrock= Psychic |spheal= Water |sealeo= Water |salamence= Flying |starly= Flying |staravia= Flying |staraptor= Flying |shieldon= Steel |stunky= Dark |skuntank= Dark |spiritomb= Dark |skorupi= Bug |snover= Ice |swoobat= Flying |seismitoad= Ground |sewaddle= Grass |swadloon= Grass |scolipede= Poison |sandile= Dark |scraggy= Fighting |scrafty= Fighting |sigilyph= Fighting |swanna= Flying |sawsbuck= Grass |stunfisk= Ground |skrelp= Water |shaymin (sky)= Flying |shiinotic= Fairy |salandit= Fire |salazzle= Fire |stufful= Fighting |sandygast= Ground |solgaleo= Steel |sandshrew (alolan)= Steel |sandslash (alolan)= Steel |stakataka= Steel |selkid= Fairy |syrentide= Fairy |simorgh= Flying |simurgh= Flying |sirfetchd= Flying |sizzlipede= Bug |snom= Bug |stunfisk (galarian)= Steel |snover (christmas)= Grass |slowbro (galarian)= Psychic |slowking (galarian)= Psychic |sneasel (hisuian)= Poison |sneasler= Poison |skeledirge= Ghost |smoliv= Normal |scovillain= Fire |squawkabilly= Flying |shroodle= Normal | }}
| t = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |tentacool= Poison |tentacruel= Poison |togetic= Fairy |tyranitar= Dark |taillow= Flying |tropius= Flying |torterra= Ground |toxicroak= Fighting |togekiss= Flying |tranquill= Flying |tirtouga= Rock |terrakion= Fighting |thundurus= Flying |talonflame= Flying |tyrunt= Dragon |tyrantrum= Dragon |trevenant= Grass |trumbeak= Flying |toucannon= Flying |toxapex= Water |turtonator= Dragon |togedemaru= Steel |tapukoko= Fairy |tapulele= Fairy |tapubulu= Fairy |tapufini= Fairy |tomohawk= Fighting |thundurus (therian)= Flying |toxel= Electric |toxtricity= Poison |toxtricity (gmax)= Poison |titanberg= Ice |ting-lu= Ground |tinkatink= Steel |tinkatuff= Steel |tinkaton= Steel | }}
| u = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |unfezant= Flying |ultra necrozma= Psychic |urshifu= Water |urshifu (single strike)= Dark |ursaluna= Ground | }}
| v = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |venusaur= Poison |vileplume= Poison |venonat= Poison |venomoth= Poison |victreebel= Poison |vibrava= Dragon |vespiquen= Flying |victini= Fire |venipede= Poison |vullaby= Flying |volcarona= Fire |virizion= Fighting |vivillon= Flying |volcanion= Fire |vikavolt= Electric |volchik= Flying |voltasu= Flying |venusaur (gmax)= Poison |voltorb (hisuian)= Electric |veluza= Steel |varoom= Poison | }}
| w = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |weedle= Poison |wigglytuff= Fairy |weepinbell= Poison |wooper= Ground |wingull= Flying |whiscash= Ground |walrein= Water |wormadam= Grass |weavile= Ice |woobat= Flying |whirlipede= Poison |whimsicott= Fairy |wimpod= Water |weezing (galarian)= Fairy |wyrdeer= Psychic |wattrel= Flying |wo-chien= Grass |wooper (paldean)= Ground | }}
| x = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |xatu= Flying | }}
| y = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |yanma= Flying |yanmega= Flying |yveltal= Flying |yatagaryu= Flying |yamask (galarian)= Ghost | }}
| z = {{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}  |zubat= Flying |zapdos= Flying |zweilous= Dragon |zekrom= Electric |zygarde (fang)= Ground |zygarde (order)= Ground |zygarde (complete)= Dragon |zapdos (galarian)= Flying |zigzagoon (galarian)= Normal |zarude= Grass |zorua (hisuian)= Ghost |zoroark (hisuian)= Ghost | }} |}}</includeonly><noinclude>
Input Pokémonname to obtain its second type if any
Input Pokémonname to obtain its second type if any

Latest revision as of 13:46, 15 October 2024

Input Pokémonname to obtain its second type if any

