Difference between revisions of "Move List"

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Line 187: Line 187:
| 100
| 100
Barrage Normal 15 Special 6 2.5 85
| Barrage
Bind Normal 15 Physical 2 7.5 85
| Normal
Bite Dark 65 Physical 10 6.5 100
| 15
Black Hole Eclipse [Rare] Dark 140 Special 9 15.56 100
| Special
Blizzard Ice 120 Special 18 6.67 70
| 6
Bloom Doom [Rare] Grass 140 Special 9 15.56 100
| 2.5
Bloomscape Grass 295 Special 25 11.8 999
| 85
Body Slam Normal 85 Physical 13 6.54 100
| Bind
| Normal
| 15
| Physical
| 2
| 7.5
| 85
| Bite
| Dark
| 65
| Physical
| 10
| 6.5
| 100
| Black Hole Eclipse [Rare]
| Dark
| 140
| Special
| 9
| 15.56
| 100
| Blizzard
| Ice
| 120
| Special
| 18
| 6.67
| 70
| Bloom Doom [Rare]
| Grass 140
| Special
| 9
| 15.56
| 100
| Bloomscape
| Grass
| 295
| Special
| 25
| 11.8
| 999
| Body Slam
| Normal
| 85
| Physical
| 13
| 6.54
| 100

Revision as of 12:42, 7 February 2020


Move Type power Category Energy Cost Power-to-Energy Ratio Accuracy
Absorb Grass 20 Special 3 6.67 100
Accelerock Rock 40 Physical 6 6.67 100
Acid Poison 40 Special 6 6.67 100
Acid Armor Poison 0 Status 5 0 999
Acid Downpour [Rare] Poison 140 Special 9 15.56 100
Aerial Ace Flying 60 Physical 9 6.67 999
Aeroblast Flying 95 Special 14 6.79 100
Agility Psychic 0 Status 6 0 999
Air Cutter Flying 80 Physical 12 6.67 100
Air Slash Flying 75 Special 11 6.82 95
All-Out Pummeling [Rare] Fighting 140 Physical 9 15.56 100
Amnesia Psychic 0 Status 5 0 999
Ancientpower Rock 60 Physical 9 6.67 100
Angel Nova Fairy 150 Special 23 6.52 50
Anubis Poison 0 Status 25 0 999
Aqua Jet Water 40 Physical 6 6.67 999
Arctic Ravage Ice 180 Physical 18 10 90
Armageddon Steel 660 Physical 25 26.4 999
Astonish Ghost 35 Physical 5 7 100
Attack Order Bug 90 Physical 14 6.43 100
Aura Sphere Fighting 80 Special 12 6.67 999
Aurora Beam Ice 65 Special 10 6.5 100
Barrage Normal 15 Special 6 2.5 85
Bind Normal 15 Physical 2 7.5 85
Bite Dark 65 Physical 10 6.5 100
Black Hole Eclipse [Rare] Dark 140 Special 9 15.56 100
Blizzard Ice 120 Special 18 6.67 70
Bloom Doom [Rare] Grass 140 Special 9 15.56 100
Bloomscape Grass 295 Special 25 11.8 999
Body Slam Normal 85 Physical 13 6.54 100