Move List

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Move Type Category power/Accuracy Information
Absorb Grass 2 20;100 User restores 50% the damage done as HP.
Accelerock Rock 1 40;100 Deals bonus damage/loses damage based on the speed stat of the user and the foe. Signature move of Lycanroc.
Acid Armor Poison 0 0;999 Raises Defense by 32%.
Acid Poison 2 40;100
Aerial Ace Flying 1 60;999 This attack never misses.
Aeroblast Flying 2 95;100 25% chance of landing a 1.75x critical hit. Signature move of Lugia.
Agility Psychic 0 0;999 Raises speed by 24%.
Air Cutter Flying 1 80;100
Air Slash Flying 2 75;95 25% chance of landing a 1.75x critical hit.
Amnesia Psychic 0 0;999 Raises Sp.Defense by 32%.
Ancientpower Rock 1 60;100 "33% chance of raising all stats by 16%. Cannot be learned via the move center; special move won through Monster Park."
Angel Nova Fairy 2 150;50
Anubis Poison 0 0;999 The Poison-Type Z move. Causes a devastating poison that is never-ending, draining the HP of foes heavily each turn.
Aqua Jet Water 1 40;999 Gains bonus damage/loses damage based on the speed stat of the user and the foe.
Arctic Ravage Ice 1 180;90 The user takes 20% of the damage inflicted as recoil.
Armageddon Steel 1 660;999 The Steel-type Z move. The user detonates a kamikaze explosion of grave power. User faints after the attack, but all foes in the opponent's roster (up to 6) further lose 33% max HP. Highest-power attack in-game.
Astonish Ghost 1 35;100 17% chance of flinching the foe.
Attack Order Bug 1 90;100
Aura Sphere Fighting 2 80;999 This move never misses.
Aurora Beam Ice 2 65;100
Awakening Roar God 0 0;999
Barrage Normal 2 15;85 Hits 2-5 times.
Bind Normal! 1 15;85 Traps the opponent in a bind for 4 turns, burning away 1/16 the opponent's max HP.
Bite Dark 1 65;100 17% chance of flinching the foe.
Blast Burn Fire 2 180;100 Ultimate fire-type move, user has to rest one turn afterwards.
Blizzard Ice 2 120;70 25% chance of freezing the foe.
Bloomscape Grass 2 295;999 The grass-type Z-move. Devastates the battle field with a scenery of blooming flowers. The user restores 50% of the damage inflicted as HP.
Body Slam Normal 1 85;100 25% chance of paralyzing the opponent.
Bone Club Ground 1 65;85
Bonemerang Ground 1 50;90
Boomburst Normal 2 140;100
Brave Bird Flying 1 120;100 User takes 20% of damage inflicted as recoil.
Bubble Water 2 20;100
Bubblebeam Water 2 65;100
Bug Buzz Bug 2 90;100
Bulk Up Fighting 0 0;999 Raises Attack and Defense by 16%.
Bullet Punch Steel 1 50;999 Gains bonus damage/loses damage based on the speed stat of the user and the foe.
Bullet Seed Grass 2 25;100 Hits 2 to 5 times.
Calm Mind Psychic 0 0;999 Raises Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense by 16%.
Chain Lightning Electric 2 65;100 35% of the damage inflicted is passed on to all opponents (up to 6 targets) in the opponent's roster. Signature move of Yatagaryu.
Charm Fairy 0 0;85 Lowers the opponent's Attack Stat by 30%.
Clamp Water 1 35;85 User is trapped for 4 turns, losing 1/16 max HP each turn.
Clangorous Fortitude Dragon 2 110;100 20% chance of raising all stats by 16%.  Signature move of Kommo-o.
Close Combat Fighting 1 120;100 User loses 20% Defense.
Comet Punch Normal 1 18;85
Confuse Ray Ghost 0 0;100 Induces Confusion on the foe.
Confusion Psychic 2 50;100
Constrict Normal 1 10;100
Core Enforcer Dragon 2 100;999 Never misses. Signature move of Zygarde.
Crab Hammer Water 1 90;90
Cross Chop Fighting 1 120;80
Cross Poison Poison 1 70;100 25% chance of landing a 1.75x critical hit.
Crunch Dark 1 85;85
Cut Normal 1 50;95
Dark Pulse Dark 2 80;100
Defense Curl Normal 0 0;999 Raises defense by 16%.
Demonic Purge Dark 1 0;999 Kills the foe instantly if it has less than a certain amount of HP. If this move succeeds, the user gains a 16% attack boost and 8% speed boost. Purge limit is equal to (0.5 + Trainer Rank x 0.2) x level of the Pokemon. For example, if the user is Level 1,000 and the trainer is Elite rank (Rank 5), the purge limit is 1,500HP. Never Misses.
Dig Ground 1 70;100 User vanishes on the first turn and strikes on the second.
Disarming Voice Fairy 2 30;999 Lowers opponent's attack stat by 16%.
Dive Water 1 80;100 User vanishes on the first turn and resurfaces on the second.
Dizzy Punch Normal 1 70;100
Doom Desire Steel 2 170;100 User takes 20% of damage inflicted as recoil. Signature move of Jirachi.
Double Edge Normal 1 120;100 User takes 20% of damage inflicted as recoil.
Double Kick Fighting 1 30;100 Hits twice.
Double Panzer Bash Steel 1 60;95 Hits 1 or 2 times. If it lands twice, the foe has a 50% chance of being paralyzed. Signature move of Melmetal.
Doubleslap Normal 1 15;85 Hits 2 to 5 times.
Draco Meteor Dragon 2 140;95 User loses 20% Sp. Attack.
Draconian Dynasty Canon Dragon 3 260;999 The Dragon Type Z move that utilizes the Attack or Sp.Attack of the user depending on which is higher. Paralyzes the opponent without fail.
Dragon Ascent Flying 1 150;100 User rests one turn afterward. Signature move of Mega Rayquaza.
Dragon Claw Dragon 1 80;100
Dragon Dance Dragon 0 0;999 Raises Attack by 16% and Speed by 12%.
Dragon Pulse Dragon 2 85;100
Dragon Rage Dragon 2 40;100
Dragonbreath Dragon 2 65;100 17% chance of flinching the foe.
Drain Punch Fighting 1 75;100 User restores 50% of the damage inflicted as HP.
Dream Eater Ghost 1 100;100 Restores 50% of damage inflicted as HP. The target must be asleep. If this move is used by Pajantom, it will be effective even if the foe is awake.
Drill Peck Flying 1 85;100
Dynamic Punch Fighting 1 120;50 100% chance to confuse the foe if the move is successful.
Earth Power Ground 2 90;100
Earthquake Ground 1 100;100
Egg Bomb Normal 1 100;75
Ember Fire 2 40;100
Explosion Normal 1 250;100 User faints.
Extremespeed Normal 1 80;100 Gains bonus damage/loses damage based on the speed stat of the user and the foe.
Faint Attack

Dark 1 60;999 This attack never misses.

Fire Blast

Fire 2 120;85

Fire Punch

Fire 1 75;100

Fire Spin

Fire 2 35;85 Traps the opponent in a flaming vortex for 4 turns, burning away 1/16 the opponent's max HP.


Ground 0 1;15 Low accuracy, yet devastating move that brings the foe's down to 1% of their maximum HP.


Fire 2 95;100

Flare Blitz

Fire 1 130;90 User takes 20% of damage inflicted as recoil.

Flash Cannon

Steel 2 80;95

Fleur Cannon

Fairy 1 130;100 A powerful fairy attack, but with a low power-energy ratio. Signature move of Magearna.


Flying 1 90;95 User vanishes on the first turn and lands on the second.


Ice 2 350;999 The Ice-Type Z Move. Renders the battle field into an ice age. Freezes the foe without fail, and never misses. Requires the user to hold the item Frostium-Z.

Frenzy Plant

Grass 2 180;100 Ultimate grass-type move. User rests one turn afterward.


Normal 1 0;100 A full-power attack that grows more powerful the more the user hates its Trainer. Power maxes out at 127.

Fury Attack

Normal 1 15;85 Hits 2 to 5 times.

Fury Swipes

Normal 1 18;80 Hits 2 to 5 times.

Fusion Bolt

Electric 1 100;100 Power increases by 50% if Reshiram is in the same roster. Signature move of Zekrom.

Fusion Flare

Fire 2 100;100 Power increases by 50% if Zekrom is in the same roster. Signature move of Reshiram.

Gatling Justice Knuckle

Fighting 1 125;999 The Fighting-Type Z move. Hits 2 to 5 times.

Genesis Strike

Psychic 2 100;100 Deals bonus damage based on the difference between the user's Sp. Attack and the opponent's Defense. The bonus damage can at most double the power of this move.

Giga Crusher

Normal 3 550;999 The Normal-Type Z move. Changes category to tap on either the Attack or Special Attack stat, depending on which is higher for the user. The user has to rest for a turn.

Giga Drain

Grass 2 75;100 User restores 50% of the damage inflicted as HP.

Giga Impact

Normal 1 150;100 User loses 20% Defense.


Normal 0 0;100 Lowers the attack of foes by 16%.


Normal 0 0;999 Increases Sp.Def and Sp.Atk by 16%


Normal 0 0;15 Low accuracy, devastating move that brings the opponent's HP down to 1% of their maximum.


Flying 1 40;100


Normal 0 0;999 Raises defense by 16%.

Head Butt

Normal 1 70;100

Heaven Scorching Light

God 2 200;100 Any Z-item held will enable the use of this move. However, this move does not behave like a Z-move and can be used continuously. The move has no type-effects. Signature move of Ultra Necrozma.

High Jump Kick

Fighting 1 130;30 If the attack misses, the user loses 20% of its max HP.

Holy Sanctuary

Fairy 0 0;100 The Fairy-Type Z-Move. Restores the user's HP by 75% while lowering the speed of the enemy by half.

Horn Attack

Normal 1 65;100

Horn Drill

Normal 0 0;15 Low accuracy, devastating move that brings the opponent's HP to 1% of maximum.


Flying 2 120;90

Hydra Form

Water 0 0;999 For 5 turns, the user regains 20% of maximum HP per turn. A random multiplier between 0.67x, 1.33x and 2x is applied on the user's attacks.

Hydro Cannon

Water 2 180;100 Ultimate water-type move. User rests one turn afterward.

Hydro Pump

Water 2 120;100

Hyper Beam

Normal 2 150;90 User loses 20% Sp. Attack.

Hyper Fang

Normal 1 80;90


Psychic 0 0;60 Induces Sleep on the foe.

Ice Beam

Ice 2 95;100 25% chance of freezing the foe.

Ice Punch

Ice 1 75;100

Icicle Spear

Ice 2 25;100 Hits 2 to 5 times.

Icy Wind

Ice 2 55;95 Lowers the foe's Speed by 12%.

Infernal End

Fire 2 500;999 The fire-type Z-move razes the battlefield to ashes, completely incinerating anything and everything.


Bug 1 20;100 User is trapped for 4 turns, losing 1/16 max HP each turn.

Iron Defense

Steel 0 0;999 Raises defense by 32%.

Iron Tail

Steel 1 100;75

Jump Kick

Fighting 1 85;95

Justice Horn

Fighting 1 100;999 This attack never misses. Signature move of Keldeo, Terrakion, Virizion and Cobalion.

Karate Chop

Fighting 1 50;100 25% chance of landing a 1.75x critical hit.

Leaf Blade

Grass 1 90;95 25% chance of landing a 1.75x critical hit.

Leech Life

Bug 1 20;100 User regains 50% of the damage inflicted as HP.


Normal 0 0;100 Lowers opponent's defense by 16%.


Ghost 1 20;100

Light of Ruin

Fairy 1 140;100 User takes 20% of damage inflicted as recoil.

Lightning Split Heavens

Electric 2 0;999 The Electric-Type Z move. Strikes all enemies in the opposing trainer's roster (up to 6), removing 33% off their max HP.

Low Kick;Fighting;1;65;100;
Luster Purge;Psychic;2;70;100;Lowers opponent's Sp. Defense by 18%. Signature move of Latios.
Mach Cyclone;Flying;1;275;999;Flying-Type Z move. Increases the speed stat of all roster Pokemon by 40%.
Magma Storm;Fire;2;120;70;User is trapped for 4 turns, losing 1/16 max HP each turn. Signature move of Heatran.
Meditate;Psychic;0;0;999;Raises Attack by 16%.
Mega Drain;Grass;2;40;100;User regains 50% of the damage inflicted as HP.
Mega Horn;Bug;1;120;80;
Mega Kick;Normal;1;120;75;
Mega Punch;Normal;1;90;85;
Metal Sound;Steel;0;0;85;Lowers the opponent's Sp. Defense by 30%.
Meteor Mash;Steel;1;90;90;Increases the attack stat of the user by 16%. Signature move of Metagross and Clefable.
Mist Ball;Psychic;2;70;100;Lowers opponent's Sp. Attack by 18%. Signature move of Latias.
Moongeist Maelstrom;Ghost;2;180;100;Requires Ghostium-Z as a held item. However, this move does not behave like a Z-move and can be used continuously. Signature move of Lunala and Dawn Wings Necrozma.
Mud Slap;Ground;1;25;90;Reduces the opponent's speed by 12%.
Nasty Plot;Dark;0;0;999;Raises Sp. Attack by 32%.
Needle Arm;Grass;1;65;100;17% chance of flinching the foe.
Night Shade;Ghost;0;0;100;
Outrage;Dragon;1;100;95;User takes 20% of damage inflicted as recoil.
Pay Day;Normal;1;40;100;
Petal Dance;Grass;1;120;100;33% chance of confusing the user after attacking.
Pin Missile;Bug;1;14;85;Hits 2 to 5 times.
Pitch Black Reaver;Dark;1;320;999;The Dark-Type Z move. Removes the opponent's held item with a 50% chance of causing a flinch.
Plasma Fist;Electric;1;100;100;For the remaining duration of battle, Zeraora gains a +1 energy gain per endured hit, maxed out at a bonus of +4/endured hit. Signature move of Zeraora.
Play Rough;Fairy;1;90;90;20% chance to lower target's attack by 16%.
Poison Sting;Poison;1;15;100;25% chance of poisoning the foe.
Poltergeist;Ghost;2;230;999;The Ghost-Type Z move. Lowers the Special Defense of all opponents by 40% (up to 6).
Power Gem;Rock;2;80;100;
Precipice Blades;Ground;1;120;100;
Psycho Boost;Psychic;2;145;95;User loses 20% Sp. Attack. Signature move of Deoxys.
Quick Attack;Normal;1;40;100;Deals bonus damage/loses damage based on the speed stat of the user and the foe.
Ragnarock;Rock;1;440;999;The Rock-Type Z Move that strikes the opponent catastrophically. Raises the defense stat of the user by 32%.
Razor Leaf;Grass;1;55;95;25% chance of landing a 1.75x critical hit.
Razor Wind;Normal;1;90;999;User loses 20% Defense.
Recover;Normal;0;0;999;User restores 40% of their max HP.
Red Beak;Flying;1;100;100;Strikes the foe and inflicts a burn on the enemy. The user rests one turn afterwards. Signature move of Toucannon.
Return;Normal;1;0;100;A full-power attack that grows more powerful the more the user likes its Trainer. Power maxes out at 127.
Roar of Time;Dragon;2;150;100;User rests one turn afterward. Signature move of Dialga and Giratina.
Rock Blast;Rock ;1;28;80;Hits 2 to 5 times.
Rock Polish;Rock;0;0;999;Raises speed by 24%.
Rock Slide;Rock;1;75;85;17% chance of flinching the foe.
Rock Throw;Rock;1;60;95;
Rock Wrecker;Rock;1;150;100;User loses 20% Attack. Signature move of Rhyperior.
Rolling Kick;Fighting;1;60;85;
Roost;Flying;0;0;999;Restores 40% of max HP.
Sacred Fire;Fire;2;100;100;User restores 20% of max HP. Signature move of Ho-Oh.
Sand Tomb;Ground;1;40;85;User is trapped for 4 turns, losing 1/16 max HP each turn.
Savage Instinct;Bug;0;0;999;The Bug Type Z-move. The user increases its speed by 33% and gains a 70% lifesteal on attacks.
Screech;Normal;0;0;80;Lowers the opponent's Defense by 32%.
Searing Sunraze;Steel;1;180;100;Requires any Z item as a held item. However, this move does not behave like a Z-move and can be used continuously. Signature move of Solgaleo and Dusk Mane Necrozma.
Seismic Toss;Fighting;0;0;100;
Self Destruct;X;1;200;100;User faints
Shadow Armlet;Ghost;1;170;40;
Shadow Ball;Ghost;2;80;100;
Shadow Bone;Ghost;1;85;90;Lowers the attack stat of the opponent by 16% if the move is successful. Signature move of Alolan Marowak.
Shadow Claw;Ghost;1;85;100;
Shadow Force;Ghost;1;120;100;The user strikes and gains a one-turn immunity. Signature move of Giratina.
Shadow Sneak;Ghost;1;40;999;Gains bonus damage/loses damage based on the speed stat of the user and the foe.
Sharpen;Normal;0;0;999;Raises Attack by 32%.
Shattered Zen;Psychic;2;0;999;The Psychic Type Z-move. This move deals 0.6 damage for every HP lost by the active Opponent, and affects all Pokemon in the opponent's roster (up to 6).
Sheer Cold;Ice;2;0;15;Low accuracy, devastating move that brings foe's HP to 1% of maximum. 
Shockwave;Electric;2;60;999;This attack never misses.
Skull Bash;Normal;1;110;100;User loses 20% Defense.
Sky Attack;Flying;1;140;90;User loses 20% Attack.
Slash;Normal;1;70;100;25% chance of landing a 1.75x critical hit.
Sleep Powder;Bug;0;0;60;Induces sleep on the foe.
Sludge Bomb;Poison;1;95;95;20% chance of poisoning the foe.
Solar Beam;Grass;2;120;100;User loses 20% Sp. Attack.
Soul Stealing 7 Star Strike;Ghost;1;295;999;Marshadow's Z move and requires Ghostium-Z as a held item. The foe's soul is penetrated, causing 25% of its Attack, Defense and Speed stat to be stolen and given to the user.
Spacial Rend;Dragon;2;95;100;25% chance of landing a 1.75x critical hit. Signature move of Palkia and Giratina.
Spike Canon;Normal;2;22;95;Hits 2 to 5 times.
Splash;Normal;0;0;100;5% chance to release a blast of Hydro Pump.
Spore;Grass;0;0;100;Induces sleep on the foe.
Stomp;Normal;1;65;100;17% chance of flinching the foe.
Stone Edge;Rock;1;100;85;25% chance of landing a 1.75x critical hit.
Strength Sap;Grass;0;0;50;Reduces opponent's attack stat by 12% and restores HP equal to the reduction in opponent's attack. Signature move of Shiinotic.
String Shot;Bug;0;0;95;Reduces the opponent's speed by 12%.
Struggle;X;1;70;100;User takes 50% of damage inflicted as recoil.
Submission;Fighting;1;80;80;User takes 20% of damage inflicted as recoil.
Super Fang;Normal; 0;10;80; The user chomps hard, cutting the foes hp in half. The HP lost by the opponent is capped at 2x the users level.
Sweet Kiss;Fairy;0;0;75;Confuses the opponent.
Swift;Normal;1;60;999;This attack never misses.
Swords Dance;Normal;100;0;999;Raises Attack by 32%.
Tail Whip;Normal;0;0;100;Lowers opponent's defense by 16%.
Take Down;Normal;1;90;85;User takes 20% of damage inflicted as recoil.
Thrash;Normal;1;120;100;User takes 20% of damage inflicted as recoil.
Thunder Punch;Electric;1;75;100;
Thunder Wave;Electric;0;0;100;Induces Paralysis on the foe.
Thunder;Electric;2;120;70;25% chance to paralyze the foe.
Thunderbolt;Electric;2;95;100;25% chance to paralyze the foe.
Toxic;Poison;0;0;80;Induces Poison on the foe.
Tri Attack;Normal;2;80;100;If used by Porygon, the damage is increased by 1.5x.
Trop Kick;Grass;1;70;90;If the move is successful, the opponent loses 16% Attack and Sp. Attack. Signature move of Tsareena.
Twineedle;Bug;2;25;100;Hits twice. 25% chance to poison the foe.
Ultramarine;Water;2;400;999;The water-type Z-move. The user manipulates a massive stream of water that ravages the opponent, destroying their defenses. Lowers the enemy's defense stat by 32%.
U-Turn;Bug;1;70;100;User switches out after striking.
V-Create;Fire;1;180;100;User takes 20% of damage inflicted as recoil. Signature move of Victini.
Vice Grip;Normal;1;55;100;
Vine Whip;Grass;1;35;100;
Volt Tackle;Electric;1;130;90;User takes 20% of damage inflicted as recoil.
Water Gun;Water;2;40;100;
Water Shuriken;Water;2;17;90;Hits 2 to 5 times. Gains bonus damage/loses damage based on the speed stat of the user and the foe. Signature move of (Ash) Greninja.
Waterfall;Water;1;80;100;17% chance of flinching the foe.
Will O Wisp;Fire;0;0;75;Induces Burn on the foe.
Wing Attack;Flying;1;60;100;
Withdraw;Water;0;0;999;Raises Defense by 16%.
Worry Seed;Grass;2;100;75;Signature move of Shaymin. Benefits from a high power-energy ratio.
Wrath of Tyrannus;God;2;120;999;
Zen Headbutt;Psychic;1;80;90;