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Pokégen has 16 different maps, on which you can catch Pokémon and battle trainers to win items. Each map has set Pokémon that can be caught on it, each with a chance of showing up as a snow Pokémon. A lot of these Pokémon can also be made shiny, see Pokemon types for more information on shiny and snow Pokémon.

MAP 1: Spring Town

○Azumarill (evolution) ○Azurill ○Deerling ○Dunsparce ○Eevee ○Exploud (evolution) ○Furfrou ○Glameow ○Gumshoos (evolution) ○Hariyama (evolution) ○Kangasghan ○Lillipup ○Loudred (evolution) ○Machamp (evolution) ○Machoke (evolution) ○Machop ○Makuhita ○Marill (evolution) ○Medicham (evolution) ○Meditite ○Mienfoo ○Miltank ○Munchlax ○Purrugly (evolution) ○Riolu ○Skitty ○Smeargle ○Spinda ○Timburr ○Whismur ○Yungoos

Legend(s) (Can't shiny swap):


MAP 2: Greenwood Park

○Aipom ○Bidoof ○Bounsweet ○Caterpie ○Combee ○Ditto ○Exeggcute ○Exeggutor (evolution) ○Fomantis ○Foongus ○Gogoat (evolution) ○Happiny ○Karrablast ○Kecleon ○Kricketot ○Kricketune (evolution) ○Leavanny (evolution) ○Linoone (evolution) ○Mankey ○Palpitoad (evolution) ○Seismitoad (evolution) ○Sentret ○Sewaddle ○Skiddo ○Slaking ○Slakoth ○Steenee ○Swadloon ○Tauros ○Togepi ○Tropius ○Tsareena (evolution) ○Tympole ○Vigoroth (evolution) ○Zigzagoon

Legend(s) (Can't shiny swap):


MAP 3: Flower District

○Aromatisse (evolution) ○Audino (has mega form) ○Clefable (evolution) ○Clefairy ○Cottonee ○Cutiefly ○Flabebe ○Floette (evolution) ○Florges (evolution) ○Granbull (evolution) ○Klefki ○Morelull ○Rimbombee (evolution) ○Shiinotic (evolution) ○Slurrpuff (evolution) ○Snubull (Not on the map) ○Spritzee ○Swirlix

Legend(s) (Can't shiny swap):


MAP 4: Autumn Hills:

○Sunkern ○Seedot ○Cherubi ○Carnivine ○Tangela ○Pansage ○Petilil ○Maractus ○Oddish ○Skiddo ○Bellsprout ○Hoppip ○Budew ○Ferroseed ○Komala ○Rockruff ○Passimian ○Mudbray ○Sunflora (evolution) ○Nuzleaf (evolution) ○Gloom (evolution) ○Weepinbell (evolution) ○Skiploom (evolution) ○Roselia (evolution) ○Ferrothore (evolution) ○Mudsdale (evolution) ○Lycanroc (day evolution) ○Shiftry (evolution) ○Vileploom (evolution) ○Victreebel (evolution) ○Jumpluff (evolution) ○Roserade (evolution)

Legend(s) (Can't shiny swap):


MAP 5: Forest of scythe:

○Caterpie ○Pineco ○Wurmple ○Weedle ○Venonat ○Kricketot ○Shuckle ○Heracross ○Surskit ○Nincada ○Venipede ○Scatterbug ○Skorupi ○Pinsir ○Scyther ○Masquerain (evolution) ○Whirlipede (evolution) ○Spewpa (evolution) ○Metapod (evolution) ○Kakuna (evolution) ○Butterfree (evolution) ○Scizor (evolution + mega form) ○Scoliopede (evolution) ○Vavillion (evolution) ○Beedrill (evolution)

Legend(s) (Can't shiny swap):


MAP 6: Washingdon Beach:

○Seel ○Tentacool ○Poliwag ○Psyduck ○Horsea ○Goldeen ○Staryu ○Magikarp ○Chinchou ○Krabby ○Remoraid ○Wingull ○Tympole ○Wailmer ○Buizel ○Clauncher ○Relicanth ○Luvdisc ○Panpour ○Carvanha ○Mareenie ○Wishiwashi ○Crabrawler ○Poliwhirl (evolution) ○Golduck (evolution) ○Seadra (evolution) ○Seaking (evolution) ○Kingler (evolution) ○Pelliper (evolution) ○Sharpedo (evolution + mega form) ○Poliwrath (evolution) ○Kingdra (evolution)

Legend(s) (Can't shiny swap):

○Suicune ○Keldeo

Epic rare (Can't shiny swap):

○Unlock with improved purple incence

MAP 7: Sandstone Dune

○Aerodactyl (can't shiny swap + mega form) ○Aggron (evolution + mega form) ○Anorith ○Aron ○Baltoy ○Binacle ○Boldore (evolution) ○Bunnelby ○Carbink ○Claydol (evolution) ○Cranidos (Can't shiny swap) ○Cubone ○Diglett ○Durant ○Flygon (Can't shiny swap + evolution) ○Geodude ○Gigalith (evolution) ○Golem (evolution) ○Golett ○Graveler (evolution) ○Kabuto (Can't shiny swap) ○Krokorok (evolution) ○Krookodile (evolution) ○Lairon (evolution) ○Larvitar (Can't shiny swap) ○Lileep ○Lunatone ○Marowak (evolution) ○Mawile ○Onix ○Pawniard ○Phanpy ○Pupiter (Can't shiny swap + evolution) ○Rhydon (evolution) ○Rhyhorn ○Rhyperior (evolution) ○Roggenrola ○Sandile ○Sandygast ○Shieldon (Can't shiny swap) ○Shuckle ○Snorunt ○Solrock ○Trapinch (Can't shiny swap) ○Tyranitar (Can't shiny swap + evolution + mega form) ○Vibrava (Can't shiny swap + evolution)

Legend(s) (Can't shiny swap):

○Regirock ○Registeel ○Landorus

MAP 8: Whitewood Town

○Avalugg (evolution) ○Amaura (Can't shiny swap) ○Bergmite ○Cryognal ○Delibird ○Jynx ○Glalie (evolution + mega form) ○Mamoswine (evolution + mega form) ○Piloswine (evolution) ○Sealeo (evolution) ○Shellder ○Smoochum ○Sneasel ○Snorunt ○Spheal ○Swinub ○Weavile (evolution) ○Wynaut

Legend(s) (Can't shiny swap):

○Articuno ○Regice ○Kyurem

Epic rare (Can't shiny swap):

○Unlock with improved purple incence

MAP 9: Spooky Chateu:

○Gastly ○Golett ○Misdreavus ○Shuppet ○Yamask ○Drifloon ○Sableye (breeds mega form) ○Frillish ○Duskull ○Spiritomb ○Honedge (Can't shiny swap) ○Phantump ○Litwick ○Haunter (evolution) ○Lampent (evolution) ○Dusclops (evolution) ○Doublade (Can't shiny swap) (evolution) ○Trevanent (evolution) ○Gengar (evolution + mega form) ○Chandeleur (evolution) ○Dusknoir (evolution) ○Aegislash (Can't shiny swap) (evolution)

Legend(s) ( Can't shiny swap):


Epic rare ( Can't shiny swap):

○Unlock with improved puprle incence

MAP 10: Lava Springs

○Darumaka ○Fletchinder (evolution) ○Fletchling ○Growlithe ○Houndour ○Infernape (evolution) ○Litleo ○Magby ○Magcargo (evolution) ○Magmar (evolution) ○Magmortar (evolution) ○Numel ○Pansear ○Ponyta ○Rapidash (evolution) ○Salandit ○Slugma ○Talonflame (evolution) ○Torkoal ○Turtonator ○Vulpix

Legend(s) ( Can't shiny swap):

○Entei ○Ho-Oh ○Heatran ○Volcanion

MAP 11: Volt Station:

○Pichu ○Pikachu ○Magnemite ○Voltorb ○Elekid ○Shinx ○Mareep ○Electrike ○Plusle ○Minun ○Blitzle ○Emolga ○Stunfisk ○Pachirisu ○Helioptile ○Dedenne ○Trubbish ○Bronzor ○Grubbin ○Raichu (evolution) ○Electrode (evolution) ○Magneton (evolution) ○Electrabuzz (evolution) ○Charjabug (evolution) ○Magnezone (evolution) ○Electravire (evolution) ○Vikavolt (evolution)

Legend(s) (Can't shiny swap):

○Zapdos ○Raikou ○Thundurus

MAP 12: Skylark Village

○Archen ○Combee ○Emolga ○Fearow (evolution) ○Gligar ○Hawlucha ○Hoothoot ○Pidgeot (evolution + mega form) ○Pidgeotto (evolution) ○Pidgey ○Pidove ○Pikipek ○Rufflet (Can't shiny swap) ○Spearow ○Starly ○Swablu ○Swellow (evolution) ○Swoobat (evolution) ○Taillow ○Toucannon (evolution) ○Tranquil (evolution) ○Trumbeak (evolution) ○Unphezant (evolution) ○Woobat ○Zubat

Legend(s) (Can't shiny swap):

○Tornadus ○Lugia

MAP 13: Mirage Pass

○Abra ○Alakazam (evolution) ○Baltoy ○Beldum (can't shiny swap) ○Bronzor ○Chimecho ○Chingling ○Claydol (evolution) ○Drowzee ○Duosion (evolution) ○Elgyem ○Espurr ○Gallade (evolution) ○Girafarig ○Gothita ○Gothorita (evolution) ○Gothitelle (evolution) ○Grumpig (evolution) ○Guardivoir (evolution) ○Hypno (evolution) ○Inkay ○Kadabra (evolution) ○Kirlia (evolution) ○Lunatone ○Meditite ○Munna ○Natu ○Oranguru (evolution) ○Ralts ○Reuniclus (evolution) ○Slowpoke ○Solosis ○Solrock ○Spoink ○Woobat ○Swoobat (evolution)

Legend(s) (can't shiny swap):

○Azelf ○Uxie ○Mesprit ○Mewtwo (mega forms)

MAP 14: Dragon Fortress

○Dratini (Can't shiny swap) ○Horsea ○Bagon (Can't shiny swap) ○Gible (Can't shiny swap) ○Axew (Can't shiny swap) ○Deino (Can't shiny swap) ○Skrelp ○Tyrunt ○Goomy ○Trapinch ○Dragonair (Can't shiny swap)(evolution) ○Shelgon (Can't shiny swap)(evolution) ○Gabite (Can't shiny swap)(evolution) ○Zweilous (Can't shiny swap)(evolution) ○Druddigon (Can't shiny swap)(evolution) ○Sliggoo (evolution) ○Dragonite (Can't shiny swap)(evolution) ○Salamance (Can't shiny swap)(evolution + mega form) ○Garchomp (Can't shiny swap)(evolution + mega form) ○Hydreigon (Can't shiny swap)(evolution) ○Goodra (evolution)

Legend(s) (Can't shiny swap):

○Zekrom ○Reshiram ○Rayquaza (mega form)

MAP 15: Shadow Glade

○Poochyena ○Purrloin ○Murkrow ○Sneasel ○Scraggy ○Pawniard ○Cacnea ○Spritomb ○Skorupi ○Grimer ○Houndour ○Pancham ○Inkay ○Zangoose ○Stunky ○Seviper ○Zubat ○Mightyena (evolution) ○Absol (Can't shiny swap) ○Cacturne (evolution) ○Scrafty (evolution) ○Golbat (evolution) ○Honchkrow (evolution) ○Crobat (evolution)

Legend(s) (Can't shiny swap):

○Darkrai ○Kyurem

MAP 16: Caverns of Alph

Unown map from A to Z + EM + QM

When you have those 28 Unowns, you can do the Team Rocket challenge.

First you need to get a key. You need 10 hunter arrows that you can find with the trap box challenge. A small change to win 1 hunter arrow from the trainer that shows up. After collecting 10, you can forge a key to unlock Team Rocket Challenge.

Battle Team Rocket Grunt that random appears below on the rpg. Easy to find with clicking on the map. After this battle you need to do 1 more with all the unowns (you will lose half the unowns after). After this battle another battle will show up, here for you need 28 shiny unowns. Those unowns can only be collected by beating Proton, that randomly appears on this map. After done this and beaten the challenge, snow unowns will appear. Catch the 28 diffrent unowns for the final battle.

After everything is done than the ultimate battle shows up! Shiny mewtwo!!! Battle it and try to catch it.

Fast guide:

Speed pokemon like: Golden alakazam, Golden mewtwo, Golden Aero will make it easyer. Other speed pokemon possible (normal/shiny forms)

Moveset: thunderwave, ice beam.

Use 5x mithril herb (bought in pokemart) and around 200 ascension potion (to be sure to heal) and alot of ultra balls (500+) since you need to drop shields. When shields are gone and hp below 50%, you can catch it with a master ball.