
From PokeGen Wiki
Revision as of 14:10, 27 December 2021 by Hoopy (talk | contribs) (url to sites of the game is now related to a template for easy and quick change, adding items)
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Basic Usage

|num= pokedexnumber, Default: 0
|variant= variant of the pokémon. Default: Normal
|species= name of the pokémon without variant name
|level= level, Default: 1
|move1=one of the moves used by the pokémon in that battle Default: Tackle
|move2=one of the moves used by the pokémon in that battle Default: Tackle
|move3=one of the moves used by the pokémon in that battle Default: Tackle
|move4=one of the moves used by the pokémon in that battle Default: Tackle

Basic Example

No Midnight variant for that number available
Midnight Ivysaur
Item: None
Level 1
Arctic Ravage Tackle
Tackle Tackle

Advanced Example, use it in a table to specify more pokémon used by a trainer

No Snow variant for that number available
Snow Charizard
Item: None
Level 1022
Tackle Tackle
Tackle Luster Purge
No Dyna variant for that number available
Dyna Gigantrum
Item: None
Level 4554
Tackle Close Combat
Tackle Tackle
No Golden variant for that number available
Golden Urshifu (Single Strike)
Item: None
Level 500
Tackle Tackle
Tackle Fire Blast