Fun Corner

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Trap Box Weekly, the trap box promo pokemon will change to a new Midnight pokemon. Take a Spin on the trap box for a chance to win the pokemon. Each time that the pokemon is released from the trap box, the % chance that it will be released again will be lowered (community wide percentage, not per player). At platinum community activity, the number of daily trap box attempts increases and you may get the opportunity to battle (and catch) an ultra beast. Battles have a chance to appear where you can fight for a hunters arrow. Not every win will reward you with one, but if you're lucky enough to get 10 of these then you can start a mini quest to win yourself a ShinyMewtwo! (Repeatable)

Slot Machine The slot machine sounds exactly like what it does. Bet in game money for a chance to win tokens or up to five times the amount of money you placed as a bet.

Shiny Exchange Center At Shiny Exchange Center, you may exchange 30 basic (unevolved, i.e. Bulbasaur) Pokemon for their shiny forms. If these are Stage 1 Pokemon (i.e. Ivysaur), you only need 24 of them and if they are Stage 2 (i.e. Venusaur) you only need 16 of them. However, note that legendary and some special Pokemon cannot be shiny-swapped. Exception on Shiny swap are Groudon and Kyogre, collect 16 of them doing prehistoric crater challenge to get the shiny form.

Daily Prize

Once daily, you can have a go at getting a daily prize. The daily prize resets exactly 24 hours from the last time you claimed it, so if you claim it at 1pm on Tuesday, you cannot claim it earlier than 1pm on Wednesday, even though it is the next day. Every 8th day, you get a 7 day prize reward (completes on the 8th day as you will have needed to have redeemed a prize for 7 days. The 7 days do not need to have been consecutive). Daily prize got a new update! There is a 49 day strike bonus for a greater prize.

Here's what you can currently win as a daily prize:

  • Money: Up to $90,000 - 70% Chance
  • Tokens: Up to 250 - 16.7% Chance
  • Star Piece - 6.7% Chance
  • Togedemaru X Gender - 3.3% Chance
  • Turtonator X Gender - 3.3% Chance

Here's what you can currently win as a 7 daily prize:

  • Money: $500,000
  • Rare Candy
  • Shiny form of the daily prize pokemon
    • 'There can be a special prize add trough events'

Here's what you can currently win as a 49 daily prize:

  • prize is Golden version of the daily prize pokemon