Move List

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Absorb;Grass;2;20;100;User restores 50% the damage done as HP. Acid;Poison;2;40;100; Acid Armor;Poison;0;0;999;Raises Defense by 32%. Agility;Psychic;0;0;999;Raises speed by 24%. Amnesia;Psychic;0;0;999;Raises Sp.Defense by 32%. Aurora Beam;Ice;2;65;100; Barrage;Normal;2;15;85;Hits 2-5 times. Bind;Normal;1;15;85;Traps the opponent in a bind for 4 turns, burning away 1/16 the opponent's max HP. Bite;Dark;1;65;100;17% chance of flinching the foe. Blizzard;Ice;2;120;70;25% chance of freezing the foe. Body Slam;Normal;1;85;100;25% chance of paralyzing the opponent. Bone Club;Ground;1;65;85; Bonemerang;Ground;1;50;90; Bubble;Water;2;20;100; Bubblebeam;Water;2;65;100; Comet Punch;Normal;1;18;85; Precipice Blades;Ground;1;120;100; Confusion;Psychic;2;50;100; Constrict;Normal;1;10;100; Crab Hammer;Water;1;90;90; Cut;Normal;1;50;95; Defense Curl;Normal;0;0;999;Raises defense by 16%. Dig;Ground;1;70;100;User vanishes on the first turn and strikes on the second. Dizzy Punch;Normal;1;70;100; Double Kick;Fighting;1;30;100;Hits twice. Double Edge;Normal;1;120;100;User takes 20% of damage inflicted as recoil. Doubleslap;Normal;1;15;85;Hits 2 to 5 times. Dragon Rage;Dragon;2;40;100; Dream Eater;Ghost;1;100;100;Restores 50% of damage inflicted as HP. The target must be asleep. If this move is used by Pajantom, it will be effective even if the foe is awake. Drill Peck;Flying;1;85;100; Earthquake;Ground;1;100;100; Egg Bomb;Normal;1;100;75; Ember;Fire;2;40;100; Explosion;X;1;250;100;User faints. Fire Blast;Fire;2;120;85; Fire Punch;Fire;1;75;100; Fire Spin;Fire;2;35;85;Traps the opponent in a flaming vortex for 4 turns, burning away 1/16 the opponent's max HP. Fissure;Ground;0;1;15;Low accuracy, yet devastating move that brings the foe's down to 1% of their maximum HP. Flamethrower;Fire;2;95;100; Fly;Flying;1;90;95;User vanishes on the first turn and lands on the second. Fury Attack;Normal;1;15;85;Hits 2 to 5 times. Fury Swipes;Normal;1;18;80;Hits 2 to 5 times. Iron Defense;Steel;0;0;999;Raises defense by 32%. Growl;Normal;0;0;100;Lowers the attack of foes by 16%. Growth;Normal;0;0;999;Increases Sp.Def and Sp.Atk by 16% Guillotine;Normal;0;0;15;Low accuracy, devastating move that brings the opponent's HP down to 1% of their maximum. Gust;Flying;1;40;100; Harden;Normal;0;0;999;Raises defense by 16%. Head Butt;Normal;1;70;100; High Jump Kick;Fighting;1;130;30;If the attack misses, the user loses 20% of its max HP. Horn Attack;Normal;1;65;100; Horn Drill;Normal;0;0;15;Low accuracy, devastating move that brings the opponent's HP to 1% of maximum. Hydro Pump;Water;2;120;100; Hyper Beam;Normal;2;150;90;User loses 20% Sp. Attack. Hyper Fang;Normal;1;80;90; Dark Pulse;Dark;2;80;100; Ice Beam;Ice;2;95;100;25% chance of freezing the foe. Ice Punch;Ice;1;75;100; Jump Kick;Fighting;1;85;95; Karate Chop;Fighting;1;50;100;25% chance of landing a 1.75x critical hit. Leech Life;Bug;1;20;100;User regains 50% of the damage inflicted as HP. Leer;Normal;0;0;100;Lowers opponent's defense by 16%. Lick;Ghost;1;20;100; Nasty Plot;Dark;0;0;999;Raises Sp. Attack by 32%. Low Kick;Fighting;1;65;100; Meditate;Psychic;0;0;999;Raises Attack by 16%. Mega Drain;Grass;2;40;100;User regains 50% of the damage inflicted as HP. Mega Kick;Normal;1;120;75; Mega Punch;Normal;1;90;85; Night Shade;Ghost;0;0;100; Pay Day;Normal;1;40;100; Peck;Flying;1;35;100; Petal Dance;Grass;1;120;100;33% chance of confusing the user after attacking. Pin Missile;Bug;1;14;85;Hits 2 to 5 times. Poison Sting;Poison;1;15;100;25% chance of poisoning the foe. Tail Whip;Normal;0;0;100;Lowers opponent's defense by 16%. Pound;Normal;1;40;100; Psybeam;Psychic;2;65;100; Psychic;Psychic;2;95;100; Quick Attack;Normal;1;40;100;Deals bonus damage/loses damage based on the speed stat of the user and the foe. Razor Leaf;Grass;1;55;95;25% chance of landing a 1.75x critical hit. Razor Wind;Normal;1;90;999;User loses 20% Defense. Recover;Normal;0;0;999;User restores 40% of their max HP. Rock Slide;Rock;1;75;85;17% chance of flinching the foe. Rock Throw;Rock;1;60;95; Rolling Kick;Fighting;1;60;85; Needle Arm;Grass;1;65;100;17% chance of flinching the foe. Scratch;Normal;1;40;100; Screech;Normal;0;0;80;Lowers the opponent's Defense by 32%. Seismic Toss;Fighting;0;0;100; Self Destruct;X;1;200;100;User faints Sharpen;Normal;0;0;999;Raises Attack by 32%. Skull Bash;Normal;1;110;100;User loses 20% Defense. Sky Attack;Flying;1;140;90;User loses 20% Attack. Slam;Normal;1;80;75; Slash;Normal;1;70;100;25% chance of landing a 1.75x critical hit. Sleep Powder;Bug;0;0;60;Induces sleep on the foe. Sludge;Poison;0;65;100; Smog;Poison;0;20;70; Shadow Claw;Ghost;1;85;100; Solar Beam;Grass;2;120;100;User loses 20% Sp. Attack. Splash;Normal;0;0;100;5% chance to release a blast of Hydro Pump. Spore;Grass;0;0;100;Induces sleep on the foe. Stomp;Normal;1;65;100;17% chance of flinching the foe. Strength;Normal;0;80;100; String Shot;Bug;0;0;95;Reduces the opponent's speed by 12%. Struggle;X;1;70;100;User takes 50% of damage inflicted as recoil. Close Combat;Fighting;1;120;100;User loses 20% Defense. Submission;Fighting;1;80;80;User takes 20% of damage inflicted as recoil. Air Cutter;Flying;1;80;100; Giga Impact;Normal;1;150;100;User loses 20% Defense. Surf;Water;2;95;100; Swift;Normal;1;60;999;This attack never misses. Swords Dance;Normal;100;0;999;Raises Attack by 32%. Tackle;Normal;1;50;100; Take Down;Normal;1;90;85;User takes 20% of damage inflicted as recoil. Thrash;Normal;1;120;100;User takes 20% of damage inflicted as recoil. Thunder;Electric;2;120;70;25% chance to paralyze the foe. Shockwave;Electric;2;60;999;This attack never misses. Thunderbolt;Electric;2;95;100;25% chance to paralyze the foe. Thunder Punch;Electric;1;75;100; Thundershock;Electric;2;40;100; Toxic;Poison;0;0;80;Induces Poison on the foe. Tri Attack;Normal;2;80;100;If used by Porygon, the damage is increased by 1.5x. Twineedle;Bug;2;25;100;Hits twice. 25% chance to poison the foe. Vice Grip;Normal;1;55;100; Vine Whip;Grass;1;35;100; Water Gun;Water;2;40;100; Waterfall;Water;1;80;100;17% chance of flinching the foe. Wing Attack;Flying;1;60;100; Withdraw;Water;0;0;999;Raises Defense by 16%. Shadow Armlet;Ghost;1;170;40; Blast Burn;Fire;2;180;100;Ultimate fire-type move, user has to rest one turn afterwards. Angel Nova;Fairy;2;150;50; Mega Horn;Bug;1;120;80; Dynamic Punch;Fighting;1;120;50;100% chance to confuse the foe if the move is successful. Shadow Ball;Ghost;2;80;100; Bug Buzz;Bug;2;90;100; Mud Slap;Ground;1;25;90;Reduces the opponent's speed by 12%. Hurricane;Flying;2;120;90; Sludge Bomb;Poison;1;95;95;20% chance of poisoning the foe. Crunch;Dark;1;85;85; Flash Cannon;Steel;2;80;95; Outrage;Dragon;1;100;95;User takes 20% of damage inflicted as recoil. Bullet Seed;Grass;2;25;100;Hits 2 to 5 times. Icicle Spear;Ice;2;25;100;Hits 2 to 5 times. Rock Blast;Rock ;1;28;80;Hits 2 to 5 times. Spike Canon;Normal;2;22;95;Hits 2 to 5 times. Brave Bird;Flying;1;120;100;User takes 20% of damage inflicted as recoil. Light of Ruin;Fairy;1;140;100;User takes 20% of damage inflicted as recoil. Flare Blitz;Fire;1;130;90;User takes 20% of damage inflicted as recoil. Volt Tackle;Electric;1;130;90;User takes 20% of damage inflicted as recoil. Giga Drain;Grass;2;75;100;User restores 50% of the damage inflicted as HP. Drain Punch;Fighting;1;75;100;User restores 50% of the damage inflicted as HP. Draco Meteor;Dragon;2;140;95;User loses 20% Sp. Attack. Psycho Boost;Psychic;2;145;95;User loses 20% Sp. Attack. Signature move of Deoxys. Clamp;Water;1;35;85;User is trapped for 4 turns, losing 1/16 max HP each turn. Sand Tomb;Ground;1;40;85;User is trapped for 4 turns, losing 1/16 max HP each turn. Infest;Bug;1;20;100;User is trapped for 4 turns, losing 1/16 max HP each turn. Confuse Ray;Ghost;0;0;100;Induces Confusion on the foe. Disarming Voice;Fairy;2;30;999;Lowers opponent's attack stat by 16%. Moonblast;Fairy;2;95;100; Zen Headbutt;Psychic;1;80;90; Iron Tail;Steel;1;100;75; V-Create;Fire;1;180;100;User takes 20% of damage inflicted as recoil. Signature move of Victini. Faint Attack;Dark;1;60;999;This attack never misses. Dragonbreath;Dragon;2;65;100;17% chance of flinching the foe. Astonish;Ghost;1;35;100;17% chance of flinching the foe. Cross Poison;Poison;1;70;100;25% chance of landing a 1.75x critical hit. Stone Edge;Rock;1;100;85;25% chance of landing a 1.75x critical hit. Rock Wrecker;Rock;1;150;100;User loses 20% Attack. Signature move of Rhyperior. Attack Order;Bug;1;90;100; Aerial Ace;Flying;1;60;999;This attack never misses. Bulk Up;Fighting;0;0;999;Raises Attack and Defense by 16%. Calm Mind;Psychic;0;0;999;Raises Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense by 16%. U-Turn;Bug;1;70;100;User switches out after striking. Luster Purge;Psychic;2;70;100;Lowers opponent's Sp. Defense by 18%. Signature move of Latios. Mist Ball;Psychic;2;70;100;Lowers opponent's Sp. Attack by 18%. Signature move of Latias. Magma Storm;Fire;2;120;70;User is trapped for 4 turns, losing 1/16 max HP each turn. Signature move of Heatran. Doom Desire;Steel;2;170;100;User takes 20% of damage inflicted as recoil. Signature move of Jirachi. Spacial Rend;Dragon;2;95;100;25% chance of landing a 1.75x critical hit. Signature move of Palkia and Giratina. Roar of Time;Dragon;2;150;100;User rests one turn afterward. Signature move of Dialga and Giratina. Dragon Ascent;Flying;1;150;100;User rests one turn afterward. Signature move of Mega Rayquaza. Justice Horn;Fighting;1;100;999;This attack never misses. Signature move of Keldeo, Terrakion, Virizion and Cobalion. Fusion Flare;Fire;2;100;100;Power increases by 50% if Zekrom is in the same roster. Signature move of Reshiram. Fusion Bolt;Electric;1;100;100;Power increases by 50% if Reshiram is in the same roster. Signature move of Zekrom. Icy Wind;Ice;2;55;95;Lowers the foe's Speed by 12%. Sacred Fire;Fire;2;100;100;User restores 20% of max HP. Signature move of Ho-Oh. Aeroblast;Flying;2;95;100;25% chance of landing a 1.75x critical hit. Signature move of Lugia. Extremespeed;Normal;1;80;100;Gains bonus damage/loses damage based on the speed stat of the user and the foe. Bullet Punch;Steel;1;50;999;Gains bonus damage/loses damage based on the speed stat of the user and the foe. Aqua Jet;Water;1;40;999;Gains bonus damage/loses damage based on the speed stat of the user and the foe. Shadow Sneak;Ghost;1;40;999;Gains bonus damage/loses damage based on the speed stat of the user and the foe. Worry Seed;Grass;2;100;75;Signature move of Shaymin. Benefits from a high power-energy ratio. Ancientpower;Rock;1;60;100;"33% chance of raising all stats by 16%. Cannot be learned via the move center; special move won through Monster Park." Leaf Blade;Grass;1;90;95;25% chance of landing a 1.75x critical hit. Sheer Cold;Ice;2;0;15;Low accuracy, devastating move that brings foe's HP to 1% of maximum. Frenzy Plant;Grass;2;180;100;Ultimate grass-type move. User rests one turn afterward. Hydro Cannon;Water;2;180;100;Ultimate water-type move. User rests one turn afterward. Will O Wisp;Fire;0;0;75;Induces Burn on the foe. Hypnosis;Psychic;0;0;60;Induces Sleep on the foe. Thunder Wave;Electric;0;0;100;Induces Paralysis on the foe. Water Shuriken;Water;2;17;90;Hits 2 to 5 times. Gains bonus damage/loses damage based on the speed stat of the user and the foe. Signature move of (Ash) Greninja. Return;Normal;1;0;100;A full-power attack that grows more powerful the more the user likes its Trainer. Power maxes out at 127. Frustration;Normal;1;0;100;A full-power attack that grows more powerful the more the user hates its Trainer. Power maxes out at 127. Charm;Fairy;0;0;85;Lowers the opponent's Attack Stat by 30%. Metal Sound;Steel;0;0;85;Lowers the opponent's Sp. Defense by 30%. Genesis Strike;Psychic;2;100;100;Deals bonus damage based on the difference between the user's Sp. Attack and the opponent's Defense. The bonus damage can at most double the power of this move. Cross Chop;Fighting;1;120;80; Aura Sphere;Fighting;2;80;999;This move never misses. Wrath of Tyrannus;God;2;120;999; Freezerene;Ice;2;350;999;The Ice-Type Z Move. Renders the battle field into an ice age. Freezes the foe without fail, and never misses. Requires the user to hold the item Frostium-Z. Ragnarock;Rock;1;440;999;The Rock-Type Z Move that strikes the opponent catastrophically. Raises the defense stat of the user by 32%. Awakening Roar;God;0;0;999; Bloomscape;Grass;2;295;999;The grass-type Z-move. Devastates the battle field with a scenery of blooming flowers. The user restores 50% of the damage inflicted as HP. Infernal End;Fire;2;500;999;The fire-type Z-move razes the battlefield to ashes, completely incinerating anything and everything. Ultramarine;Water;2;400;999;The water-type Z-move. The user manipulates a massive stream of water that ravages the opponent, destroying their defenses. Lowers the enemy's defense stat by 32%. Power Gem;Rock;2;80;100; Earth Power;Ground;2;90;100; Dragon Dance;Dragon;0;0;999;Raises Attack by 16% and Speed by 12%. Play Rough;Fairy;1;90;90;20% chance to lower target's attack by 16%. Holy Sanctuary;Fairy;0;0;100;The Fairy-Type Z-Move. Restores the user's HP by 75% while lowering the speed of the enemy by half. Lightning Split Heavens;Electric;2;0;999;The Electric-Type Z move. Strikes all enemies in the opposing trainer's roster (up to 6), removing 33% off their max HP. Gatling Justice Knuckle;Fighting;1;125;999;The Fighting-Type Z move. Hits 2 to 5 times. Poltergeist;Ghost;2;230;999;The Ghost-Type Z move. Lowers the Special Defense of all opponents by 40% (up to 6). Mach Cyclone;Flying;1;275;999;Flying-Type Z move. Increases the speed stat of all roster Pokemon by 40%. Pitch Black Reaver;Dark;1;320;999;The Dark-Type Z move. Removes the opponent's held item with a 50% chance of causing a flinch. Shattered Zen;Psychic;2;0;999;The Psychic Type Z-move. This move deals 0.6 damage for every HP lost by the active Opponent, and affects all Pokemon in the opponent's roster (up to 6). Anubis;Poison;0;0;999;The Poison-Type Z move. Causes a devastating poison that is never-ending, draining the HP of foes heavily each turn. Giga Crusher;Normal;3;550;999;The Normal-Type Z move. Changes category to tap on either the Attack or Special Attack stat, depending on which is higher for the user. The user has to rest for a turn. Draconian Dynasty Canon;Dragon;3;260;999;The Dragon Type Z move that utilizes the Attack or Sp.Attack of the user depending on which is higher. Paralyzes the opponent without fail. Sweet Kiss;Fairy;0;0;75;Confuses the opponent. Roost;Flying;0;0;999;Restores 40% of max HP. Rock Polish;Rock;0;0;999;Raises speed by 24%. Savage Instinct;Bug;0;0;999;The Bug Type Z-move. The user increases its speed by 33% and gains a 70% lifesteal on attacks. Soul Stealing 7 Star Strike;Ghost;1;295;999;Marshadow's Z move and requires Ghostium-Z as a held item. The foe's soul is penetrated, causing 25% of its Attack, Defense and Speed stat to be stolen and given to the user. Dragon Claw;Dragon;1;80;100; Dragon Pulse;Dragon;2;85;100; Accelerock;Rock;1;40;100;Deals bonus damage/loses damage based on the speed stat of the user and the foe. Signature move of Lycanroc. Red Beak;Flying;1;100;100;Strikes the foe and inflicts a burn on the enemy. The user rests one turn afterwards. Signature move of Toucannon. Core Enforcer;Dragon;2;100;999;Never misses. Signature move of Zygarde. Clangorous Fortitude;Dragon;2;110;100;20% chance of raising all stats by 16%. Signature move of Kommo-o. Double Panzer Bash;Steel;1;60;95;Hits 1 or 2 times. If it lands twice, the foe has a 50% chance of being paralyzed. Signature move of Melmetal. Meteor Mash;Steel;1;90;90;Increases the attack stat of the user by 16%. Signature move of Metagross and Clefable. Plasma Fist;Electric;1;100;100;For the remaining duration of battle, Zeraora gains a +1 energy gain per endured hit, maxed out at a bonus of +4/endured hit. Signature move of Zeraora. Heaven Scorching Light;God;2;200;100;Any Z-item held will enable the use of this move. However, this move does not behave like a Z-move and can be used continuously. The move has no type-effects. Signature move of Ultra Necrozma. Shadow Bone;Ghost;1;85;90;Lowers the attack stat of the opponent by 16% if the move is successful. Signature move of Alolan Marowak. Strength Sap;Grass;0;0;50;Reduces opponent's attack stat by 12% and restores HP equal to the reduction in opponent's attack. Signature move of Shiinotic. Moongeist Maelstrom;Ghost;2;180;100;Requires Ghostium-Z as a held item. However, this move does not behave like a Z-move and can be used continuously. Signature move of Lunala and Dawn Wings Necrozma. Searing Sunraze;Steel;1;180;100;Requires any Z item as a held item. However, this move does not behave like a Z-move and can be used continuously. Signature move of Solgaleo and Dusk Mane Necrozma. Trop Kick;Grass;1;70;90;If the move is successful, the opponent loses 16% Attack and Sp. Attack. Signature move of Tsareena. Fleur Cannon;Fairy;1;130;100;A powerful fairy attack, but with a low power-energy ratio. Signature move of Magearna. Air Slash;Flying;2;75;95;25% chance of landing a 1.75x critical hit. Boomburst;Normal;2;140;100; Armageddon;Steel;1;660;999;The Steel-type Z move. The user detonates a kamikaze explosion of grave power. User faints after the attack, but all foes in the opponent's roster (up to 6) further lose 33% max HP. Highest-power attack in-game. Hydra Form;Water;0;0;999;For 5 turns, the user regains 20% of maximum HP per turn. A random multiplier between 0.67x, 1.33x and 2x is applied on the user's attacks. Shadow Force;Ghost;1;120;100;The user strikes and gains a one-turn immunity. Signature move of Giratina. Arctic Ravage;Ice;1;180;90;The user takes 20% of the damage inflicted as recoil. Chain Lightning;Electric;2;65;100;35% of the damage inflicted is passed on to all opponents (up to 6 targets) in the opponent's roster. Signature move of Yatagaryu. Demonic Purge;Dark;1;0;999;Kills the foe instantly if it has less than a certain amount of HP. If this move succeeds, the user gains a 16% attack boost and 8% speed boost. Purge limit is equal to (0.5 + Trainer Rank x 0.2) x level of the Pokemon. For example, if the user is Level 1,000 and the trainer is Elite rank (Rank 5), the purge limit is 1,500HP. Never Misses. Dive;Water;1;80;100;User vanishes on the first turn and resurfaces on the second. Super Fang;Normal; 0;10;80; The user chomps hard, cutting the foes hp in half. The HP lost by the opponent is capped at 2x the users level.
Move Type power Category Energy Cost Power-to-Energy Ratio Accuracy