RPG Training Gyms
Revision as of 15:00, 3 May 2020 by ZZshadowZz (talk | contribs)
Clan Nibiru's Training Gyms
Special shout out to Technique for creating these gyms, and to the players using one or more of their ID's to host them in their rosters.
Account Name | ID | Roster | Exp Earned | Money Earned |
Nibiru | ID | Roster | 2,307 | $58 |
Kingmoltres89 | ID | Roster | 21,981 | $308 |
zZSnowZz | 2545 | Roster | 109,030 | $1039 |
ShadowStorage | 2337 | Roster | 267,016 | $2054 |
Account Name | ID | Roster | Exp Earned | Money Earned |
Account Name | ID | Roster | Exp Earned | Money Earned |
Account Name | ID | Roster | Exp Earned | Money Earned |
Account Name | ID | Roster | Exp Earned | Money Earned |